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他们给谷物催肥。They feed out the corn.

这些猪正在被催肥待售。The pigs are being fattened up for market.

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移植时用催肥肥料。When transplanting use starter fertilizer.

这些猪正在被催肥以拿到市场上出售。Those pigs are being fattened up for market.

我们正在催肥牲畜待宰杀。We're fattening the livestock up for slaughter.

你的主人是想等你催肥后,杀掉你。Your host want to kill you when you become fat and strong.

由于女性激素催肥躯体,因此也用于催肥牲畜。Because female hormones fatten the body, they are used to fatten livestock.

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牧人把羊群赶到野外,用夜晚的新鲜露水催肥。The herdsman drove afield battening his flocks with the fresh dews of night.

严禁肥猪粉催肥,严禁瘦肉精增加瘦肉,严禁添加剂、化工饲料快速促长!The chemicals, incretions and additives are prohibited in the feeding of the pigs.

农民在养猪、养家禽和种菜时用于催肥和催熟的添加剂也是一个重要因素。In addition, farmers use additives on pigs, poultry and vegetables to make them grow faster.

就象是经过好久才成熟的果实跟用化肥催肥的果实一样。Just like fruits that take time to be mature and that are used fertilizer to quicken its ripe time.

一些公司实际上是去帮助你,而其他人只是希望催肥他们的口袋。Some companies are actually out to help you, while others are simply looking to fatten their pockets.

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圈养牲畜则是用玉米小麦和大麦尽快的催肥而成的。Store-fed animals are fed on maize, wheat and barley in the race to fatten them up as fast as possible.

牛畜被宰杀前催肥用的饲料堆通常用玉米作为催肥的原料。Feed lots, where beef it taken to be fattened up before slaughter, typically use corn as the fattening agent.

这枚作者最有怨念的就是鹅肝酱——因为有些为了取鹅肝,会强制喂食催肥鹅,许多鹅因此而丧命。His biggest gripe is with foie gras, which is basically the liver of a goose that has been force-fed to death.

他的提议,实际上是催肥这些营养不良的儿童和饲料他们爱尔兰丰富的土地拥有者。His proposal, in effect, is to fatten up these undernourished children and feed them to Ireland's rich land-owners.

有一篇论文发表于去年夏天,来自丹佛科罗拉多大学的科学家以一组雄性大鼠为实验对象,对其进行催肥。For a study published last summer, scientists at the University of Colorado at Denver fattened a group of male rats.

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本年是建立资源,催肥存款,为一些更伟大的梦想储藏财力的好时机。For Pisces this is the year to build your resources fatten your savings account and stash money away for some of your bigger dreams.

科学家们将一群猴子催肥,用来帮助他们研究人类的一对孪生流行病——肥胖症和糖尿病,希瓦就是这群猴子中的一只。Shiva belongs to a colony of monkeys who have been fattened up to help scientists study the twin human epidemics of obesity and diabetes.

在夏季,它是很难捕捉海豹,所以夏季到来之前,熊大量吃因为它们可以用来催肥了,然后吃了他们的身体脂肪。In the summer it is harder to catch seals, so before summer arrives, the bears eat as much as they can to fatten up, then live off the fat in their bodies.