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谁才是安鲁那奇人?Just who are the Annunaki?

年老的养鹿户鹿肉是楚科奇人的传统食物。Deer meat is the traditional food of the Chukchi.

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丁文江是中国近现代史上的一位奇人。Ding Wenjiang is a legend in modern history in China.

真的有这样的奇人?我真想见见。Is there really such a talented man?I really want to see him.

星云法语,奇人妙事,宗教文化,时事新闻及人间万象等。Dharma talks by Master Hsing Yun, religion, current events and issues.

现在安鲁那奇人被有效地隔离,甚至不允许离开他们的星球吗?Are the Annunaki effectively quarantined even from leaving their planet right now?

这个村庄的主要居民是蚊子,其次才是俄国人和楚科奇人。The main population of the village is mosquitoes. Others are Russians and Chukchi.

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Steer说,对许多亚奇人来说,目前仍然是极其痛苦的艰难时期。For many of the people in Aceh, Steer says it remains an agonizingly difficult time.

我想当我看到他时,我自己或许像是经历了一个“奇人”的瞬间,但是事实上什么也没发生。I thought I might experience a ‘eureka’ moment when I saw him, but it didn’t happen.

阿什莉弗兰德,19岁,纽波特比奇人,在第一轮选拔后补妆。Ashley Friend, 19, of Newport Beach touches up her makeup after making the first cut.

而事实上,他们只是他们的主子阿努奇人前线的爪牙。In fact, they were all merely fronts for the dark minions and their Anunnaki overlords.

楚科奇人靠养鹿及捕捉海洋动物为生。Welfare of the Chukchi depends largely on the deer breeding and hunting for sea animals.

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去过的好地方、地铁里见到的奇人之类的,我都会写下来。Strange places I’ve visited, people who have caught my eye on the subway, things of that nature.

吕不韦是中国历史上的一个奇人,他的谋略和口才都是中国历史人物中第一流的。Lu Bu-wei, well-known in Chinese history, was famous for his resourceful strategies and rare eloquence.

楚科奇人习惯只睡四五个小时,为了生存他们必须不停地工作,对此他们已经习以为常了,所以几天几夜不睡觉也没问题。The Chukchi are used to sleep for only 4 – 5 hours. To survive in the peninsula one has to work nonstop.

马戏团的市场主任克里斯·巴特洛普把艾阿拉称为“高空奇人”。Chris Barltrop, marketing director of Billy Smart's Circus, described Mr Ayala as a "high wire jack-in-the-box".

在2009年,品牌重新定位于“有趣”,并推出了曲奇人的卡通形象,能够消费者带来快乐。In 2009, the brand repositioned itself as "fun" and launched a cartoon character to bring happiness to consumers.

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马戏团的市场主任克里斯·巴特洛普把艾阿拉称为“高空奇人”。Chris Barltrop, marketing director of Billy Smart's Circus, described Mr Ayala as a "high wire jack-in- the -box ".

在这间小酒馆里,能听到一些离奇的谈话,就以这里的奇人查理所说的为例吧。One heard queer conversations in the bistro. As a sample I give you Charlie, one of the local curiosities, talking.

她最近出席「黎普立信不信由你奇人异事錧」在纽约时代广场举行的一场盛大开幕仪式。She was recently seen on Ripley's Believe It Or Not! Odditorium grand opening ceremony in Times Square in New York.