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他乔装改扮,俨然就是一位教书先生。He disguised himself as a teacher.

梅格俨然扮演着一个护花使者。Meg enacted escort with great dignity.

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种族问题俨然更加突出。Race proved an even more explosive issue.

当她装扮停当赶到时,看上去俨然是一位贵妇人。When she was dressed to look like, is a lady.

但现在的它已俨然退居到中端市场。But it looks stranded in the middle of the market.

她俨然是澳大利亚的民族英雄,而且她仅有16岁。She’s a national hero in Australia and she’s only 16.

英国野生动物园的一头大象俨然变身为毕家索。And a pachyderm turns Picasso at a safari park in Britain.

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高年级的同学们俨然成为新生们的向导。Students of higher grades acted as guides for the freshmen.

再往前,是高大的石坊,俨然给人一种“王者风范”的感觉。Beyond is Shihfang tall, as if giving a "King style" feeling.

从外观看上去,杨静俨然一个10岁大的儿童。From the exterior looks, Yang Jing as if a 10-year-old children.

“我过去以为科学俨然就如数学,实在乏味,”他说。“I thought science was just like math, really boring, ” he said.

土地平旷,屋舍俨然。The land was vast and smooth and the houses were orderly located.

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许多缅甸人都说,他们的北部各邦俨然就是中国的一个省份。Many Burmese say their northern states are likea Chinese province.

秋天的云从窗前飘过,俨然有着雪花的颜色。The autumn cloud from window across, just like the color of snow has.

过去的几年,一些旅游胜地俨然成为宣传的广告牌。In the past few years, some of these monuments have become billboards.

他们俨然如老相识一样亲密无间地攀谈了。They conversed with the familiarity of a long-established acquaintance.

焦虑症俨然成为美国最常见的心理疾病.Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States.

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他唯有另觅地方栖身,俨然如“过街老鼠”。He can only find a local shelter, just like such as "mice on the streets."

他俨然已经卧病不起了,而我仍是那个需要默默承受住这一切,并保持坚强的人。He was bedridden. I still had to be the strong one and keep everything in.

自己愿意用自己生命所余下来地时间来等候你明丽如春地俨然一笑。外国人…I would give the rest of my life to get the spring sunshine of your smile.