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公诉人正在宣读一份长达73页的起诉书。Prosecutor is to read a 73-page indictment.

皇家检察署的律师担当公诉人。Lawyers from the CPS may act as public prosecutors.

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首席检查官将在严重犯罪案的审判中作公诉人。The attorney general will prosecute in trial for serious crime.

公诉人然后开始庭审的最关键部分,即传唤证人。Then the prosecutor begins the most critical part of the trial.

霍恩的公诉人比较机敏。难道这还不够吗?为什么要把她“母性化”呢?Hone's prosecutor is smart. Isn't that enough? Why motherize’her?

那么,有时候公诉人、法官大人、还有我,我们三个有共同的敌人。Well. Sometimes the P.A. and the judge and I all have the same adversary.

该案的公诉人近期被取消了律师资格并被判入狱一天。The prosecutor in the case was recently disbar red and given a day in jail.

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公诉人认为,张红涉嫌故意杀人罪。Prosecutors believe that Hong suspected of committing the crime of homicide.

而目前公诉人的关注点或许因领导人的换届也随之开始改变。Their attention may start to shift now that their political bosses have changed.

它将标准以下的产品报告给公诉人和健康机构。It reports sub-standard products to the public prosecutor and health authorities.

公诉人公诉方声称,当犯罪发生时,被告在住宅内。The prosecution alleged that the accused be In the house when the crime be commit.

公诉人称他们目前正着手开始对犯罪分子在中国的勾当进行调查。Prosecutors said they were just beginning to investigate how the scam worked in China.

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公诉人将会举证说如果当时Fritzl能将他送到医院他就不会死。Prosecutors will argue that Fritzl could have saved his life if he had got medical help.

公诉人公诉方声称,当犯罪发生时,被告在住宅内。The prosecution alleged that the accused was in the house when the crime was committing.

公诉人的作用到他在庭审结束时作结案陈词后即终止。The prosecutor’s role ends when he gives a closing argument at the completion of a trial.

辩方享有的权利与公诉人不同,不能像公诉人那样通过许诺赦免来迫使证人作证。Unlike the government, the defense cannot compel a witness to testify under a grant of immunity.

公诉人控告邦兹之时,正是他打破打破汉克·阿伦所创造的755支本垒打的记录三个月之后。Prosecutors indicted Bonds three months after he broke Hank Aaron's record of 755 career home runs.

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联邦公诉人已联系过泽尔,但并没有提供任何与调查进程有关的细节。Zell has been contacted by federal prosecutors but didn't offer any details about an ongoing investigation.

在一场无效的审讯中,法官指责公诉人,说“尽管是法律专业一年级的学生也不会犯这种错误”。In a mistrial, the judge blamed on prosecutors and said a "first-year law student" would have known to avoid.

在联盟公诉人斯特法罗·帕拉齐最新的调查报告中,米兰和国际同事被他指控。Milan and Inter have been indicted by Federal Prosecutor Stefano Palazzi as part of his latest investigation.