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一个模型的内部。Inside of a model.

在俱乐部内部的不算。And not in fight club.

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一个在企业内部。One inside the company.

不要使用内部隐语。Don't use internal lingo.

所有的那些内部的定义。I have a class definition.

他给我们一个准确的内部消息。He gave us a straight trip.

内部资料串流错误。Internal data stream error.

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内部公开赛细胞取代。Internal Open Cell -Replace.

可拆卸的内部工具袋。Removable Internal Tool Bag.

这桩窃案是内部的人干的。The robbery was an inside job.

内部?外部还是有交叉?Inside? Outside or overlapping?

公司内部资料与文件的翻译。To translate the company files.

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这是人民内部的小矛盾。This is an intramural scrimmage.

根据美国加州水星新闻报发布的内部数据,这支工作大军依照保持年轻。And the work force remains young.

庐屋博物馆的内部。Interior of the Hermitage Museum.

第二,城寨堡的内部空间结构。Second, the inner space patterns.

把这当作一个身体内部的钟来看待。Think of it as an internal clock.

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巴特的声音是来自内部。Bartleby's voice came from inside.

内部的法律及学术期刊Inside Legal and Academic Journals

底座内部烤漆不良。Poor painting at bottom of inside.