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他短缺勇气。He lair-conks courage.

不要让他短缺什堋东西。Let him want for nothing.

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我们为交货量短缺向贵公司致歉。We are sorry for the brief delivery.

谁说现在的湖人队人手短缺的?Who says the Lakers are short-handed?

IT技能短缺始终伴随着我们。IT skills shortages are always with us.

一些公司也面临着专门人才的短缺。Some also face a shortage of expertise.

在战争期间常常发生粮食短缺的情形。Food shortages often occur in time of war.

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粮食短缺可能销蚀人类文明?Could Food Shortages Bring Down Civilisation?

水短缺问题有多严重?How serious is the problem of water scarcity?

专业型人才短缺。Lack of professional experts in this industry.

但是为什么当时的耕地会短缺呢And why should there be a shortage of farmland?

石油短缺很有可能迫使价格上涨。The shortage of oil will probably drive prices up.

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水资源战争?缺水,能源短缺,中国引起恐慌。Water wars? Thirsty, energy-short China stirs fear.

短缺并未严重到你报道的那种程度。The shortage do not ist to the tent that you report.

这批运输的货物短缺1450磅。There is a shortage of 1,450 pounds in this shipment.

在许多地区符合水质标准的水短缺。Many areas are short of water that meets the standard.

短缺并未严重到你报道的那种程度。The shortage do not exist to the extent that you report.

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很多人这个月休假中,所以我们有一点人手短缺。They only let me out on patrol when they're shorthanded.

操作容易,解决了印刷技术人员短缺的问题。East operation solving the shortage of shilled operation.

如果他们的疫苗没有弄倒你们,那么食品短缺会。If their vaccines do not get you, the food shortage will.