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其母系辽宁人。His mother is a native of Liaoning.

根据母系的血缘,她是苏格兰的后裔。This is a kind of Scottish bagpipe.

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契卡索人也是母系的部族。The Chickasaw too had matrilineal clans.

你会从母系那方得到帮助。You will get help from your maternal side.

那是因为他们仍然是母系社会。That is due to the matriarchy of its society.

母系亲属中出了很多教师,也出了一位演员。On the mother's side comes teachers also one actor.

牦牛与黄牛起源于不同的母系。The yak and yellow cattle were derived from different matrilines.

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在魔索布莱,家族仅仅通过母系传承。In Menzoberranzan, families were traced solely through the mother.

半坡属于母系社会,是以农业为主的定居村落。Bafipo was a matrilineal society and a settled agricultural community.

母系氏族社会最基本的经济单位是“家户经济”。In the maternal society, the basic economic unit is the family economy.

艺妓生活在一个严格的母系社会中,妇女占主导地位。The geisha women live in a strictly matriarchal society.Women dominate.

第二章是对华裔母系文学的总论。Chapter 2 is the summary of Chinese American literature of matrilineage.

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在母系氏族社会内,女性优先获得这种创造美的自由。In matrilineal society, women had taken the priority of creating beauty.

大象的母系族家庭是由其生育的母象和幼象组成的。The matriarchal society consists of her female offspring and their young.

这一调查结果为人类学对母系制的研究提供了新的田野样本。This fieldwork brings a new example for the studies of matrilineal system.

在母系社会中,家庭里真正的头领是妈妈的兄弟。In matrilinear societies the real head of the family is the mother's brother.

他说,他们的研究证实了先前对六例母系血统的推测。The work confirms previous indications of the six maternal lineages, he said.

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摩梭人另外一个很明显的母系习俗就是他们的婚姻是走婚制。Another obvious feature of the matriarchy of the Mosuo People is the marriage.

母系氏族公社时期,人们已经能够在一定的地区长期活动。Matriarchal commune period, people have been able to certain long-term activities.

群居昆虫中大多奉行母系制度,比如黄蜂、蜜蜂、蚂蚁。In most species of social insects, such as wasps, bees, and ants, the females rule.