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尽可能推延社会保险。Put off Social Security as long as possible.

上海社会保险民事局副主任张帆在一次电话采访中说,“每年,我们至少需要多加5000张床。”Every year, we’ll need at least 5,000 additional beds.

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滞纳金并入社会保险基金。Fine for delaying payment merges into social insurance fund.

该信息仅供在中国缴纳社会保险的中国籍员工参考阅读。This policy is only for local-hired Chinese employee read only.

1935年,富兰克林罗斯福总统签署了社会保险法案。In 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act.

医疗保险支出预计将在2028年超过社会保险。Medicare expenses are now expected to surpass Social Security's in 2028.

中央苏区社会保险政策的提出是一个很长的过程。The Central Soviet Area to social insurance policy is a very long process.

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何平,所长,劳动社会保障部部社会保险研究所。Ping He, Director, Social Insurance Institute, Ministry of Labor and Social.

不过,即使是这样,长寿也会带来其他的麻烦,比如社会保险。However, long life will bring some troubles, like this one——social insurance.

另一种是德国和法国的“全统全保”模式,对所有基本医疗均实行社会保险制度。Another is the model of Germany and France, which covers all essential medical.

社会保险,医保和养老保险要交多少年?Social insurance, health insurance and pension insurance to pay for many years?

大改税收政策和社会保险系统也是日本的当务之急.An overhaul of the tax and social insurance systems are also priorities for Japan.

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目前,我国还有一些人没有任何社会保险。Currently, our country's hasting some a body doesn't have security of subsistence.

一个逃犯窃得一个社会保险号码后,就打造出三十三个身分。One fugitive created 33 different identities from a stolen Social Security number.

提倡使用个人投资帐户补充社会保险收益。Advocates supplementing Social Security benefits with individual investment accounts.

何平,所长,劳动社会保障部部社会保险研究所。Ping He, Director, Social Insurance Institute, Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

桑杰没有供退休用的积蓄,也没有养老金或社会保险。Sanjay has no savings left for retirement and does not get a pension or social security.

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你们说,这些事情和观念非常重要--全州的就业问题是重要的,保健是重要的,教育是重要的,环境是重要的,社会保险是重要的,还有妇女选择权是重要的。You came out and said that issues and ideals matter. Jobs matter, downstate and upstate.

第二,社会保险成本被证明对整体的联邦预算而言是不可承受之重。Second, Social Security costs could prove unsupportable for the federal budget as a whole.

现有的社会保险制度能持续下去吗?The American Social Security system has been in continuous successful operation since 1935.