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我接受所有责难。I took all the blame.

一句责难的话也没有。Not one word of reproach.

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她责难地望著他。She look at him accusingly.

真理可能会被责难,但绝不会受羞辱。Truth may be blamed,but shall never be shamed.

我认为是人们自己想找点什么来责难别人。I think people want to find something to blame.

被劫者对其被劫并非无可责难。And the robbed is not blameless in being robbed.

因此,伦敦的20国集团会议将会受到责难。So will it be for the G-20 conference in London.

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神对罪与悖逆发出公义的责难。God makes just condemnations of sin and unbelief.

我总希望不要轻易责难一个人。I would wish not to be hasty in censuring anyone.

我们不要受他责难的影响,思想裹步不前。We shall not cumber our thought with his reproaches.

说不定你只是用一种平庸厌倦的眼光责难它。Maybe you’re just putting it across in a mundane way.

羞辱中长大的孩子,容易自责难安。If children live with shame, they learn to feel guity.

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要想责难,要想体面地脱身,已经没有时间了。This is no time for reproaches or dignified farewells.

对于我们的失败他不想受到任何责难。He wanted to quit himself of any blame for our failure.

他觉得,从她那里获得的只有要求和责难。All he gets from her, he feels, are demands and criticism.

这样说并不能完全驳倒说我们是主观主义的责难。This does not completely refute the charge of subjectivism.

华尔街人和金融专家也其责难咎。Wall Streeters and the financial experts are also at fault.

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愿你怀抱对他人的信念,不怕接收责难。May you have faith in others and the ablity to be vulnerable.

她咏吟道,没必要去厌恶,没理由去责难。No reason for disgust, she intones, no cause for condemnation.

我已尽了最大的努力,赞扬或责难现在都影响不了我.I have done my best, neither praise nor blame can affect me now.