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他在焚香祷祝。He is praying with incense burning.

点燃香烛或者焚香。Light an aromatherapy candle or incense.

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把你捧在手上,虔诚地焚香。Put you held in the hand, pious incense.

焚香纪念我们逝去的节操。Let's burn incense in the memory of our pure past.

你应做焚香的坛,用皂荚木制造。Thou shalt make also an altar to burn incense, of setim wood.

诛仙前传焚香谷男朋友给牛和狐狸喂了一盒子氧和氢。Her boyfriend fed a box of oxygen and hydrogen to the ox and fox.

灯油,为制傅礼的油和焚香用的香料。And oil to maintain lights, and to make ointment, and most sweet incense.

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如果想重温祥和,就得净手焚香,洒扫庭院。If you want to revisit and harmony, so apparently burning, sweeping the courtyard.

人们还会焚香、点蜡烛以供奉石头,向石头神上贡烤饼。People also burn incense and candles for the stones and offer pancake to the God of Stone.

当人们通过大门时,焚香的味道亦趋浓烈,香烟也更显袅绕。As one walks through the gates, the smell of incense increases, and so does its hazy4 smoke.

人们还会焚香、点蜡烛以供奉石头,向石头神上贡烤饼。People also burn incense 2 and candles for the stones and offer pancake to the God of Stone.

她带他到山上的一个庙里去焚香祈祷,希望佛祖保佑他早日康复。She took him to a temple in the mountains to burn incense and pray for the gods to cure him.

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焚香诵经后,知县用一块布帘将钟挡了起来。After lighting incense and chanting prayers, the magistrate had curtains erected around the bell.

大多数人家门口都坐立着财神像,守护它的是一根根燃烧的焚香。Figurines depicting the god of wealth sit outside most doors, attended by burning sticks of incense.

因此,南北习俗均于十二月二十三日晚上奉祀灶君,焚香祀送。Therefore, the North-South customs are revered in the evening of December 23 Zao Jun, incense sent Siren.

看完财神庙,我们不妨焚香祈福,祈愿大家生意兴隆、财源滚滚。After the temple of the God of wealth, we might pray prayer incense, U. S. business Xinglong, exchequer billow.

柱梁表示自己早有相关资格,乙迅听罢安排柱梁担任焚香滋扰案的调解员。Said he had the qualification, pillar YiXun listen to arrange beam as a mediator of incense of harassment case.

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二人刚步出电梯,见烟雾弥漫,以为发生火警,原来只是赖师奶在焚香。Two people just stepped off the elevator, see smoke, thought that fire, was originally lai division milk incense.

庙里有立柱支撑起的厅堂,雕琢得极其美丽的长廊,还有蝙蝠和焚香的气味。There were pillared halls, long corridors carved most beautifully, and there was the smell of bats and of incense.

不能回故园为母亲尽孝,我在书房母亲的遗像前焚香默念。Incapable of return homeland to carry out piety, in room of study before mother's photo I incensed saying silently.