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令华彩的白天让贤。Which Heaven to gaudy⑩ day denies.

你是说如果你不让贤,我就没有机会?Like if you didn't I wouldn't have a shot?

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宁可让贤明的人打一耳光,也不愿傻瓜来亲一口。Better a slap from the wise than a kiss from a fool.

你什么意思?就像如果你不让贤,我就没有机会?What do you mean? Like if you didn't i wouldn't have a shot?

名匾「记首世家」、「至德」让贤美德千年不朽。The famous tablets tell the stories of the family passed on for thousand years.

因失信村民,金香甘愿受罚退位让贤。Because of breach of the villagers, the incense are willing to be punished stepped back.

由于没有履行他们的职责,这些无能的官员只好辞职让贤。Having failed to fulfill their duties, these incapable officials have to resign in favor of better ones.

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也就是说,他最终决定让贤,请入专业的领导者带领公司前行是一个很好的主意。That said, it’s very good that he finally stepped down and brought in a professional leader to take the organization forward.

连续14年排行第一的清华大学此次让贤,浙江大学也在自1993年公布此排行榜至今,首次夺冠。It is the first time the university has been ranked No 1 in terms of comprehensive strength since the annual rankings were published in 1993.

贤宇忙完事情后赶往百货店,刚要到百货店时百货店突然倒塌了,这一切让贤宇无法接受。After Mr. Busy hen on things just to department stores, department stores when suddenly collapsed, this department store all Mr. Penalty-takers unacceptable.