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喜欢跟你十指相扣。Love with you ten clasp.

十指交叉,双手紧握。Interlace your fingers to create a solid grip.

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我的双手十指交叉着,进了浴室。I headed to the bathroom with my fingers crossed.

走廊伸手不见十指,空气燥热难忍。THE corridors were dark, the air uncomfortably hot.

十指相握给自己取暖,只能维持的瞬间。Fingers with grip to their heating, only last moment.

十指紧紧的相扣,也总有一天会分开。Ten fingers tightly linked, will one day be separated.

她只会十指交握,祈祷更多。instead she folds those same hands and prays even more.

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十指紧扣。却扣不住天长地久。Ten fingers. But do not buckle for enduring as the universe.

我伸手握住她放在胸前修长纤细的指头,却发现十指冰凉。I reach for the long, thin fingers that are lying on the chest.

十指相握给自己取暖,只能维持的瞬间。Fingers relative to their warm grip, only to maintain the moment.

在阳光下十指相扣的甜美,让我曾经受伤的心春暖花开。Sun 10 interlocking sweet, I have to warm the hearts of injuries.

手上十指都戴着金灿灿的戒子。The ring of Can that the hand is before ten to all dress gold Can.

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将另外一只手放在第一只手的上面并且十指交错。Put your other hand on top of the first with your fingers interlaced.

因此,他就十指交叉地等待着--等待什么呢,他也无法预料。So he folded his hands and waited--for what, he could not anticipate.

双手悬空书桌,十指难落键盘,一心面对,众多选择。With fingers poised over the keyboard, I'm faced with myriad options.

如果你在亲吻她的时候能与她十指相扣,那她这一整天都会流露出甜蜜的微笑。Combine this with a little hand-holding and she’ll be smiling for days.

紧紧地闭上双眼,十指交叉祈祷,祈祷再次见到你。Close my eyes tight , cross my fingers for you , I pray to see you again.

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赫莱布传球,西班牙人射门攻破了舒梅切尔的十指关。Hleb could slip a pass to the Spaniard who lashed his shot past Schmeichel.

双臂指向天花板,十指交叉,掌心向下。Point your arms toward the ceiling, fingers interlocked and palms facing down.

等十秒钟如果没有回应,用十指轻敲房门。Wait ten seconds and if there is no answer, knock using your knuckles on the door.