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他松脆的识见她来吞咽,头顶一滴露珠。His crisp knowledge is devoured by her, beneath a dew.

杰出的文学家沈约也是卓有识见的史学家。Shen Yue was an outstanding man of letters and historian with excellent judgment.

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博学不过是将许多学问或事实填塞进去,而鉴别力则是美术的判别问题,中国人于评论一个文人时,必拿他的学行和识见分开来讲。In speaking of a scholar, the Chinese generally distinguish between a man's scholarship, conduct, and taste or discernment.

我们都是人,具有同样的创造力量和毁灭力量,又都有神一般的远见卓识,只是这种识见时被共同的盲目兽性所嘲弄。We are all men with the same power of making and destroying, with the same divine foresight mocked by the same animal blindness.

此一识见,无论是诗学渊源、诗史评说,还是诗境创造,沈氏都有精微的阐说。Shen Zengzhi has made some explicit explanations on this insight in the aspects of poetic origins, poetic history and poem-creating.

严羽以其无畏的精神、公正的批评及不凡的识见,向我们展示了成熟的诗歌理论批评家的风采。Yanyu had shown the mature elegant demeanour of a poem critic for us with his fearless spirit, fair-minded comment and uncommon opinions.

有限的认识在证明过程中所带来的必然性,最初也只是外在的、为了主观的识见而规定出来的必然性。The necessity which finite cognition produces in the Demonstration is, in the first place, an external necessity, intended for the subjective intelligence alone.

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傅斯年的学术识见主要体现在研究内容、方法、史观、研究者素质等方面,这在今天仍具有借鉴意义。Fu Sinian's academic ideas included research contents, methodology, historical concept, researchers' quality, and so on, and in today which has tutorial meaning too.

这表示抽象思维之特别缺乏识见,把这两个相反的原则并列起来作为规律,却没有细加比较。The native unintelligence of abstraction betrays itself by setting in juxtaposition two contrary maxims, like these, as laws, without even so much as comparing them.

“除鄙见,得新知,增学问,广识见,养性灵”——“学习型馆员”与馆员阅读之我见。Eliminating Uncertainties, Gaining Knowledge, Widening Learning, Enriching Experiences, Cultivating Disposition—My Understanding of Learning Librarian and Librarians' Reading.

他的写作立场和写作姿态,表现了一种立足当下面向未来的识见和胸怀,更有一种向现实和世界开放的动势。The writing position and ways embodied a sense and mind which are based on the current situation and face the future, and even a momentum opening to the reality and the world.

从佛教的否定人生,儒家的正视人生,道家的简化人生,这位诗人在心灵识见中产生了他的混合的人生观。Out of the Buddhist faith to annihilate life, the Confucian faith to live it, and the Taoist faith to simplify it, a new amalgam was formed in the crucible of the poet's mind and perceptions.