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有些人总是不鸣则已一鸣惊人。The quiet ones always sneak up on you.

从普通意义上来说,无名小卒的一鸣惊人能带来更大的惊喜,这也是他计划的一部分。That he came from nowhere in a lot of ways was part of the plan.

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“一鸣惊人将非常困难,”哈佛商学院教授,大卫·B·尤菲说。"Getting heard above the noise is going to be hard, " said David B.

通过对批判性思维的练习,你会发现你的智力一鸣惊人。By practicing self-critical thinking, your intellect will amaze you.

所以,NBC要想留住观众,还是需要一个在黄金时段能一鸣惊人的节目。So NBC still needs a prime time, blockbuster show to keep audiences put.

他在好莱坞的突破是在1998,因为一部“尖峰时刻”的警察电影而一鸣惊人。9…His Hollywood breakout came in 1998 with the buddy -cop movie "Rush Hour ."

2008年一鸣惊人Ghajini虽然获得了最佳影片和最佳导演奖。While 2008 blockbuster Ghajini won the Best Movie and Best Director awards.

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在三部一鸣惊人的电影之后,X战警们不可思议的途程将接续开始!After three blockbuster movies, the incredible journey of the X-Men continues!

一鸣惊人。石榴石般的深红色泽。蕴含浆果、薄荷及烟草的淡雅芬芳。Blockbuster. Dark ruby-garnet colored. Loads of berry, mint and tobacco aromas.

他在好莱坞的突破是在1998,因为一部“尖峰时刻”的警察电影而一鸣惊人。His Hollywood breakout came in 1998 with the blockbuster buddy-cop movie "Rush Hour.

他在好莱坞的突破是在1998,因为一部“尖峰时刻”的警察电影而一鸣惊人。His Hollywood breakout came in 1998 with the blockbuster buddy-cop movie "Rush Hour."

此挂件为青玉,玉质细腻,雕工精巧,造型可爱,有一鸣惊人之意。The jade, jade pendant is exquisite, carver choiceness , lovely modelling, have a blockbuster.

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这位猛犸一般强壮的前锋在他来到日利纳的首个赛季便在欧冠联赛的赛场上一鸣惊人。The mammoth striker has been sensational for Zilina in the Champions League in his debut season.

虽然扎根初期总是一鸣惊人,但很多巴尔沙树活不过三四十年。But it's tough being an upstart, and many balsa trees don't live much past 30 or 40 years of age.

尤文青年队不久前刚刚夺得维亚雷吉奥杯冠军,而达乌德在这项赛事中一鸣惊人。Daud was the revelation of the Viareggio youth tournament, which was won by Juve's Primavera side.

虽然专辑没有如她预想的那样在排行榜上一鸣惊人,但收到的乐评却是温暖而鼓舞人心的。It wasn't the breakout chart success that Moore had hoped for, but reviews were warm and encouraging.

本书最大的症结,就是蓝默先生的宗旨,并没有他想像中的那麽一鸣惊人或铿锵有力。The biggest problem is that Mr Ramo’s thesis is neither as striking nor as convincing as he seems to think.

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他首度登台的六分钟独舞一鸣惊人,很快地就被邀请加入云门舞集。His first performance was an impressive six-minute solo dance , and he was soon invited to join the company.

在1948年瑞典世界杯上代表瑞典出战一鸣惊人后他来到了米兰那个时候他已经成为场上的领袖人物。Liedholm was an on-field leader who arrived at Milan after starring for Sweden in the 1948 World Cup in Sweden.

你是否同意这辆赛车似乎不会随著新系统的加入在赛季初就一鸣惊人而是更可能在中后段后来居上?Is it a case that this car will make an impact later this season rather than sooner as new packages are developed?