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他指责部长用搪塞蒙混过关。He accused the minister of prevaricating.

好,我们所要说的就是他以为这件奇怪的事情已蒙混过关。Well, all we said was He took a strange thing to be roguish over.

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很多时候,这些染色大理石都能蒙混过关。A lot of moment, these coloring marble can deceive pass a barrier.

其他引人注目的问题都蒙混过关了,仅仅这点小事泄露了天机。Other remarkable news was passed and barely a drop of ink was spilled.

他伪造了经理的签名,企图蒙混过关。He counterfeited the manager's signature to get by under false pretences.

乙肝表面抗原阳性怎麽治疗?怎样蒙混过关?Is antigen of second liver surface electropositive how Mo cure? How deceive pass a barrier?

他们能为另修建一座连接河东和河西两岸的建桥工程想出个可蒙混过关的理由吗?Can they think of plausible reasons why an additional bridge should connect Easton and Weston?

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本以为会雷声轰轰,但是还是挺让我感到意外的,它居然一个屁也没放就算蒙混过关。I thought it's would thunder many. But let me feel accident that it's not give one to passed off.

鉴于我自己对个人理财还算有些心得,我试图想出蒙混过关的法子。Being somewhat knowledgeable about personal finance, I'm trying to figure out how to finagle this.

开始时,可以扔掉两张纸片来蒙混过关,但是不久之后,必须移出大件杂物。First you cheat, by throwing out two pieces of paper, but soon you will have to move to big stuff.

一旦考虑到自己的票选支持率,他们就会开始对自己的承诺蒙混过关,这不足为奇。Don't be surprised if they start sliding on their commitments once they look at their poll ratings.

如果你仅仅是做到蒙混过关,那么你得到的将只是一个糟糕的考试成绩,这些课程你失败了。If you are trying to do just enough to get by then all it takes is one bad exam and you are now failing the course.

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如果你作为新员工,在关于个人工作风格的测试中试图蒙混过关,老板可能因此对你产生误解。If you land a job and then try to fudge a work-style assessment, you could find yourself misunderstood by your boss.

由于我们大多数人都能猜测到卢-伯恩斯顿博士不会采取法律行动,方博士将再次蒙混过关。Since most of us can guess that Dr. Root-Bernstein will not take legal actions, Dr. Fang would get a free ride again.

朱赤丹说,在上海呆了13年了,呵呵,但是在这个才只有6岁的小哪吒面前,也没有蒙混过关得了。Zhu Chi Dan said, in Shanghai for 13 years, Oh, but this was only 6-year-old Nazha before, and no false pretenses had.

如果这是一个没有人盾臂僵尸,你也许可以蒙混过关的近距离爆炸鸟枪杀死它。If it's a one-arm zombie without a human shield, you can probably get away with a close-range shotgun blast to kill it.

让我们来看下单词的定义,看能否凭着小伎俩蒙混过关,其实,单词本身和饮酒或饮酒器皿毫无关联。Let's look at the definitions here, to deceive by trickery, well that's got nothgin to do with drinking or drinking vessels.

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另一方面从严把关,不留活口,对没有资金实力想蒙混过关的,坚决控制住。On the other hand strictly controlled and not leave freely, without financial strength to muddle through, firmly controlled.

紫柔见状赶紧称童山豪是自己的叔叔,今早才从老家过来,暂时蒙混过关。The purple and soft hills rushed quickly said Howe is his uncle, until this morning came from his home, temporarily get away.

外交护照的文字必须用拉丁语拼写,即便是自诩为“非洲王中王”这样的角色也不能蒙混过关。A diplomatic passport requires Latinized text, something even the self-described "King of African Kings" could not get around.