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子女是父母的至宝。Caution is parent of safety.

这里几乎像一个至宝宫殿。It′s just like a treasure palace.

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贤妻和健康是男人的至宝。A good wife and health is a man best wealth.

看,生命的至宝,我暗祝你尽有。Look what is best, that best I wish in thee.

贤妻和健康是男子的至宝。A good wife and health is a man's best wealth.

但是各个国家把如此垃圾的东西当作至宝!But each country hold rubbish as a treasured object.

这样一种理论当然被富人奉若至宝。It is a theory that has always been cherished by the rich.

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神州植物图片集。这“花中皇后”,或称红牡丹,在神州事国度的至宝。The "queen of flowers, " or moutan, is a national treasure in Dhina.

主,请助我专心致志,坚定不移地只以祢为我一生的至宝。Lord, help me to focus unwaveringly on what is of greatest value in this life.

而从另一个角度来讲,民族国家对本国银行的监管权视若至宝,绝不容许他人染指。On the other hand, nation-states jealously guard the right to oversee their own banks.

现在它被泰国王室视为至宝,供奉在曼谷的皇家玉佛寺中。It is now a talisman of the Thai kings, enshrined at the royal Wat Phra Kaew in Bangkok.

几个世纪以来,它被历代帝王视为至宝,至今仍比一辆崭新的法拉利轿车还珍贵。它到底是什么呢?What has been the treasure of kings for centuries and is even today rarer than a new Ferrari?

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可可豆被视为至宝,当货币使用,也用来制作一种名为巧克力的饮料。The beans were highly prized and used as money as well as to produce a drink known as chocolate.

我也将万事当作有损的,因我以认识我主基督耶稣为至宝。Indeed I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

许多日本留学生把他的这两本书抄下,带回日本学习、应用和研究,当成至宝。Many Japanese students in his two books previously, learn, research and application, as a real jewel.

秀馨离逝后,思茏因雍容和至宝对本人好,决议继续留在雍容身边。Show from died after the organizing, think Long for grace and his treasure to my good, resolution remain in grace side.

思朗因思茏不听劝止要跟至宝结婚,决议分开家庭,冷静本人。Think lang because Long don't listen to think with his treasure marriage, would discourage it separated family, calm I resolution.

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两党制维持了对工人的政治统治,为资本主义奉为至宝。The two–party system is the apple of the capitalists' eye, so far as maintaining their political control of the workers is concerned.

当我指向我女儿视若至宝的镶戒时,深色头发、深色眼睛的珠宝商恬静地微笑着,打开盒子,取出戒指。When I pointed to the setting my daughter had admired, the dark-haired, dark-eyed jeweler smiled demurely, opened the case and retrieved the ring.

亦匡通知思茏当日与至宝之婚约并无实效,思茏可自行决议未来之生活。Also notify the same day with Long rectification thinks of his treasure engagement and no effect, think Long may itself resolution of the future life.