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跳板的高度是多少?How high are the springboards?

在跳板上安鼠夹。Fix rat traps on the gangplank.

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她从高台跳板上跳水。She dived in off the high board.

跳水运动员从高跳板上跳水。The diver dived off the high board.

姑娘中有多少从最高的跳板上跳过水?。How many of our girls dived off the top board.

他从跳板上跳入水里。He sprang from the diving-board into the water.

她从跳板上跃入水中。She sprang from the diving-board into the water.

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将当前的事业作为走向下一个成功的跳板。Use your current job as a springboard to later success.

那不勒斯将会是卡瓦尼的重点,而非跳板。Napoli is an end point and not a springboard for Cavani.

跳水运动员从高台跳板上一头扎进水池里。The diver dived into the pool from the high diving board.

然而,曙光只是使用这种技术作为跳板。However, Dawning is using that technology as a springboard.

她从最高跳板表演了一个令人眼花缭乱的燕式跳水。She executed a dazzling swallow dive from the highest board.

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跳板的表面被装上凸出物以防止滑动。The surface of the gangplank was bossed to prevent slipping.

在男子跳板中,谭良德屈居第二。In the men's springboard, Tan Liande had to settle for silver.

杰克一边叫“这就开始啦”,一边从高台跳水的跳板上纵身跃下。"Here goes ! " said Jack as he jumped off the high diving board.

对凯德置地来说,上海是他们进入中国的跳板。For CapitaLand, Shanghai was their first stepping stone into China.

她的遗憾并没有让她退在一旁,反倒成为了另一个跳板。Instead of sidelining her, regret became just one more springboard.

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十岁时我便在游泳池的跳板上练体操。At ten, I explored doing gym exercises off the diving board at the pool.

眼下这间公司只是一个跳板,一个短训班。The present company is just a springboard and a temporary training class.

科学技术的进步可以借助微不足道的跳板来实现。Advances in science and technology can launch from unassuming springboards.