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我的预感应验了。My premonition was right.

我所猜测的都应验了。I was right in my conjectures.

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凯思的预言应验了,我们该由此得出什么结论?The upshot of Kass' prediction?

现在我们知道,他们的预言应验了。As we now know, they were right.

算命人说的话应验了吗?Did what the fortune-teller said come true?

玛挪亚说,愿你的话应验。And Manoah said, Now let thy words come to pass.

他祈祷让你的祈求都能应验。He prayed that all your prayers would be answered.

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今天这经应验在你们耳中了。Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.

神藉以利沙所说的话完全应验了。Through Elisha God's word was completely fulfilled.

以下节录自圣经中的预言有可能不应验吗?What are the chances of Bible prophecy not coming to pass?

由于鸥群的混乱,弗莱契关于发生战斗的预言没有应验。Fletcher's predictions of battle melted in the Flock's confusion.

由于鸥群的混乱,弗莱契关于发生战斗的预言没有应验。Fletcher’s predictions of battle melted in the Flock’s confusion.

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他的祈祷全都没应验,所以他不配得到任何东西。His prayers were all unanswered and so he doesn’t deserve anything.

若是这样,经上所说,事情必须如此的话,怎吗应验呢。But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?

“窗下多梦”的说法也在我的实践中得到应验。"More than window of a dream" the claim in my practice get fulfilled.

如果这些预测应验,全球失业率将又创新高。If those predictions are right, global unemployment will hit a record.

大家认为这应验了异象之说,奕王听了沾沾自喜。We believe that the true vision said, Yi Wang was pleased with oneself.

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于是应验了梦里所说的他被矛尖击中的预言。So he being struck by the spear-point fulfilled the saying of the dream.

那么,是什么样的信心让耶稣称奇,并带下祷告应验的奇迹效果?So what kind of faith amazes Jesus, and by the way, prays down miracles?

要窥见一切事情的光明之面,使你的乐观信条处处应验。To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.