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长有颌缘牙的、端生齿的动物。A lizard with pleurodont teeth.

你晓得瑞典的生齿有几多吗?Do you know the population of Sweden?

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百万生齿能否紧要撤离?Millions of mesiodens can matter evacuate?

我认为生齿迁徙极其紧张。Immigration, I feel is extremely important.

这尾盛行歌直在生齿浓密的都会风行。The pop song is popular in the populous city.

从生齿数目方面讲,印度仅次于中国。Talking about the size of population India is next only to China.

表皮细胞接触处密生齿状突起,且互相嵌合。Contact with the epidermal cells of Health dentate processes, and mutual chimera.

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生齿举措组织的研究人罗博特。安格曼说,到2025年约莫三十亿人缺水。P-A-I researcher Robert Engelman says by the year 2025, about three-thousand-million people may lack water.

美国伊利诺斯州东部一城市,位于德克托东南偏东。为一商业和加工业中间。生齿20,398。A city of eastern Illinois east-southeast of Decatur. It is a trade and processing center. Population, 20,398.

抽烟对人体健康危害云云之年夜以致于由它所致使的生齿殒命是其他变乱的七倍之多。Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills people each year seven times more than automobile accidents.

对疑难阻生齿的拔除操作规范,技术精湛,手术时间短,极大难度上减轻了患者的痛苦。Skilled in put out the teeth, shorter operative time, greatly reduce the degree of difficulty on the patient's pain.

本人国正在加快完成从生齿年夜国向人力资本年夜国的改变。Our country is accelerating to complete from the large population to the human resources great nation transformation.

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探讨下颌第三磨牙的牙尖数与牙根数的关系,为临床拔除阻生齿提供依据。This work is to study the relationship of mandibular third molars between the number of dental cusps and that of roots.

生齿密度为中国于较年夜严重有权在脖子上,右其次经济不服等况材料。Population density of more serious for China in the right neck, right state of information was followed by economic inequalities.

美国内布拉斯加东北奥马哈西北的城市,是农业区的加工和贸易中间。生齿21,476。A city of northeast Nebraska northwest of Omaha. It is a processing and trade center in an agricultural region. Population, 21,476.

对羊肉味惧怕不已的多禄看见有维与道远两生齿味邻近,立刻便遁辞离去。For the lamb at more than the fear of taste Paul saw ad and way far two population, and dun immediately adjacent to taste of leave.

堪萨斯州东北部一城市,在密苏里河上,毗连密苏里州的堪萨斯城。该市为一工业中间。生齿149,767。A city of northeast Kansas on the Missouri River adjacent to Kansas City, Missouri. It is an industrial center. Population, 149,767.

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中国十年一次的生齿普查,因人们不肯意走漏公家信息和惧怕违背计生政策的曝光而庞大化。China's once-a-decade census is complicated by a new reluctance to divulge information or expose violations of the one-child policy.

一个地方的生齿越多,其对水,接通和垃圾处置的需要就会越大。The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, ons, transportation, and disposal of refuse.

传统的方式为先予阻生齿拔除,待伤口愈合后再予种入植体。Traditionally, the impacted tooth should be extracted first, and the implant insertion to be performed after the wound is completely healed.