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恳请莅临视察。Inspection is cordially invited.

但我无法亲自视察那里.But I can't inspect it personally.

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学校督察员视察了我们学校。The School Inspector visited our school.

到了中午强盗们来视察他们的山洞了。About noon the robbers visited their cave.

视察员查验工作的质量。An inspector checked the standard of work.

这包括更多的视察员的费用。That includes the cost of more inspectors.

今天他的老板来视察他的工作。Today his boss would come to check his work.

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孙中山视察过后,回到和悦洲。After Sun Yat-sen visited back and Yuet Chau.

舰队司令视察了他所统率的军舰。The admiral visited the ships under his command.

督学们进行了一次突击视察。The school inspectors make an unannounced visit.

“X”标识表记标帜着线索的地点,所以仔细视察。X marks the spot for that clue, so look carefully.

金川集团高层正在赞比亚视察该矿.Jinchuan officials are in Zambia to inspect the mine.

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我是你的新上司,正来视察你的工作。I am your new supervisor, I am here viewing your work.

在全州,光海君视察了军队。In the state, the light sea king inspected the troops.

诺维科夫先生没有固定办公室,他依次视察旗下各家餐厅。He has no office, and visits his restaurants in rotation.

桂林市市委书记刘君到公司视察。Guilin Municipal Party Committee Secretary Liu Jun's visit.

他也视察了国家经济在石油的驱动下飞速增长。He has also overseen the country's rapid oil-driven growth.

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检查团正在巡回视察几家工厂。The inspection team is now making a tour of some factories.

国家科学奖评判委员会的视察。The visitation of the council for national academic awards.

教育部门的官员应定期视察各个学校。The education officers ought to visit the schools regularly.