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这栋房子便是姚家的住宅。This was the Yao house.

住宅才是关键所在。Housing is the key driver.

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我要为自己的住宅保险。I want to insure my house.

为什么要用楠竹来建住宅?Why build houses in bamboo?

我要为自己的住宅保险。I want to insure my residence.

苏格兰式牧师住宅。晚上。戈登在书房。Night. GORDON is in his study.

他正在为我们重新设计一所住宅。He is redesigning a house for us.

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是那个有红色屋顶的住宅。It's that house with the red roof.

他们在住宅四周修建起一圈篱笆墙。They ran a fence around the house.

生物住宅也卖公猪。Creature dwellings also sell Boars.

我们对住宅作了局面发价。We made a write offer for the house.

我们对住宅作了局面发价。We make a write offer for the house.

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我们将支持兴建更多的公共住宅。We'll plunk for more public housing.

一座两家合住的房屋含有两所住宅。A two-family house has two tenements.

一种包月制住宅电话线。One Flat rate residential phone line.

这是住宅风光明媚的一面。This was the happy side of the house.

他还拥有数栋住宅和一架飞机。He owns several homes and an airplane.

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王泰祥译它能买套住宅,却买不到家庭。It can buy you a house but not a home.

三组住宅由水道分开。The blocks are separated by waterways.

有人看到这个艾德蒙·道奇闯入那间住宅。Dodge was seen breaking into the house.