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泰国动画片网。Thai cartoon web.

我可以天天看动画片。I can oon every day.

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我喜欢美国的动画片。I like American cartoons.

中国的动画片都很难看。Chinese cartoons are all shits.

别再看动画片,波波。Don't see the cartoon yet, Bo-Bo.

一个人只喜欢谁“动画片。”A person who simply enjoys "anime."

非动物动画片不喜的飘过…I only like animal-themed animations.

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向同学展示你的动画片。Show your cartoon to your classmates.

中国的动画片不太吸引人。Chinese cartoons are not very appealing.

全臭作动画片全集下载文共分为五章。Full text is divided into five chapters.

美国动画片?好的好的,我喜欢美国公画片!American cartoons? Yes, please! I love them.

还记得小时看的动画片奥特曼吗?Remember the hours watching cartoon Ultraman?

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动画片今夏看来也将势如破竹。Animated films also look to be big this summer.

他讨厌动画片,所以每次看见了他都转台。He hates cartoons, so every time he sees them he.

动画片给宠物兔带了的是无限的杯具。Cartoons have been hard on the world's pet rabbits.

还有很多非动画片在今夏隆重上演。Many non-animated comedies open this summer as well.

一些根源于动画片的玩具开发范围较狭窄。Some animation-based toy lines are narrowly focused.

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动画片会使用动作,并扭曲物理定律。Animation uses motion and misuses the laws of physics.

沃尔特。迪斯尼从1928年开始动画片制作。Walt Disney began his motion-picture-making from 1928.

我最喜欢的节目是动画片和侦探片。My favourite programmes are cartoons and detective films.