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到2013年住户开支统计调查希望能超过100亿欧元大关。By 2013 hes hoping to surpass the 100-million-euro mark.

勘探能力将突破1万亿立方米的大关。The exploration capacity would hit 1 trillion cubic meters.

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本游戏一共有8大关,其中包括44个迷你益智游戏。This game is a total of 8 mark, including 44 mini-puzzle game.

我们被告知,道指突破万点大关是个心理点位。The Dow breaking 10000 is, we're told, a psychological barrier.

主要累及大关节,比如髋关节或膝关节。Generally, a few large joints are involved, such as hip or knee.

本地股指骤降,直逼3000点大关。The local shares index has dropped sharply towards the 3000 mark.

雁门关是山西商人西行的大关。Yanmen Pass is an important pass for Shanxi businessmen going west.

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道琼斯工业平均指数在不久的将来重回10,000大关。Dow Jones Industrial Average regains the 10,000 level in the near future.

就是说,一个人一旦踏进了30大关,他就应该知道他的人生目标是什么。That means when a man reaches his 30, he should know how to do with his life.

在全球收获时节里,反季节作物价格突破了食品价格大关。Food prices have been hit by adverse weather during harvests around the world.

市场恢复平静后,该货币对即刻回落至85.00整数大关下方。Once calmer heads prevailed, the pair slouched back under the 85.00 big figure.

一款很不错的新版推箱子游戏,共有100大关!Box boy is a classic box pushing game, also know as Sokoban. This game has 100 level.

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在韩国,韩国综合股价基准指数突破心理上极为重要的1900大关。In Korea, the Kospi benchmark index crossed the psychologically-important 1900 level.

上周四道指收盘报9820.20点,距离自去年10月以来就再未企及的10000点大关只有一箭之地。At 9820.20, it's within hailing distance of 10000, a level not seen since last October.

他将会创造就业机会,但为此这一举措的费用也将逼近万亿美元大关。He is raising the number of jobs. He is also edging ever so closer to the trillion-dollar-mark.

市场能够最终突破11000点大关,说明还是乐观派处于上风。The market's ability to finally move past the landmark 11000 level suggests the optimists remain in charge.

这是初请失业金人数连续第12次高于40万人的大关,劳动力市场发展令人忧心。This was the 12th consecutive print above the 400K figure, a disappointing development for the labor market.

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结果①大部分滑膜肉瘤邻近关节,尤其下肢大关节。Results ①Most synovial sarcomas located in close proximity to joints, especially large joints of lower limbs.

这个入球是鲁尼俱乐部生涯的第98粒入球,离百球大关很近了。This goal is the Looney Club profession 98th grain of goal, was very near to hundred ball critical junctions.

据当地媒体报道,河南省人口将于今年7月突破1亿大关,成为全国首个人口过亿省份。Henan's population will be more than 100m in July this year, the first of its kind in China, local media said.