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这里会有大型的阅兵式。There will be a big parade.

阅兵式那宏伟的场面是无法用语言来表达的。No words can express the grandeur of that parade.

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将有60架飞机将从上空飞过,作为阅兵式的结束。To complete the military ceremony, 60 planes will fly past.

阿下来的凤凰城,亚利桑那州,加州主要街道阅兵式。A military parade down the main street of Phoenix, Ariz. , ca.

就是在察里津草地举行阅兵式,也不会有人把我们赶出去的。Even on the Tsaritsyn review ground they wouldn't be turned off.

阅兵式在以已故的王朝开辟者——金日成命名的广场上演。It took place in Kim Il Sung Square, named after the dynasty’s late founder.

4月16日,古巴士兵在哈瓦那革命广场举行盛大阅兵式。Cuban soldiers march during a military parade in Havana's Revolution Square April 16.

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该照片摄于一次阅兵式,该车的主炮已转向车辆的尾部。This photo is of a parade with the main gun reversed to face the rear of the vehicle.

阅兵式上展示了米格-29战机、地空导弹、T-72坦克等。During the military parade, the Mig -29 aircraft, surface-, T-72 tanks were displayed.

今天的阅兵式上,表现英勇而受到表彰的一个师将列队通过接受检阅。A division of soldiers who won honour for their bravery will march past during this ceremony.

星期二,法国巴黎在香榭丽舍大街上演传统阅兵式纪念法国国庆日。Paris remembered Bastille Day Tuesday with a traditional military parade on the Champs Elysees.

每年的这一天,香榭丽舍大道上都有盛大的阅兵式,各地都会举办各种舞会和野餐会。The French hold military parade on the Champs-Elysees, ballroom dancing and picnics to celebrate.

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俄罗斯驻亚美尼亚第102基地的士兵们也参加了这场阅兵式。The soldiers of the 102nd Russian military base stationed in Armenia also took part in the parade.

三月在朝鲜士兵在平壤,朝鲜在周日,二零一零年十月十日阅兵式。North Korean soldiers march in a military parade in Pyongyang, North Korea on Sunday, Oct. 10, 2010.

随后,祖国各族人民怀着振奋和自豪的心情观看了气势磅礴的阅兵式。Then, the motherlands of all people respond to with exciting and pride watching the magnificent parade.

印度宪法通过1月26日印度的国庆纪念日,在这庆祝共和国的国庆日子里举行着阅兵式。A military parade celebrates Republic Day, the January 26 anniversary of India's adoption of its constitution.

领衔国贸、定盘金九,9月国贸房展渐成年度地产“阅兵式”。Led International, a gold plate 9, September annual real estate trade exhibitions gradually gained a "parade."

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日本防卫相一川保夫也表示,希望F-15不参加阅兵式飞行。Japanese Defense Minister Yichuan husband Paul also said he hoped not to participate in the parade F-15 flight.

土耳其退伍军人进行期间土耳其国旗庆祝胜利日在安卡拉8月30日的第89周年的阅兵式。Turkish veterans carry Turkish flags during a parade marking the 89th anniversary of Victory Day in Ankara Aug. 30.

在全场人拍手在平壤期间二零一零年十月十日阅兵式北朝鲜领导人金正日。People in the audience applaud North Korean leader Kim Jong Il during a military parade in Pyongyang October 10, 2010.