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混蛋射击我!Varmint shot me!

他们向船射击。They shot at the ship.

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他们可以边跑边射击。They can run and shoot.

谁是最好的射击员?Who is the best aimer ?

他朝那些鸟射击。He plugged at the birds.

用激光枪来连续射击我吧!Hit me with that lazer-gun!

我们向敌人连续射击。We blazed away at the enemy.

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他开枪射击却没击中目标。He fired but missed the mark.

“弹幕”现在影响瞄准射击。Barrage now affects Aimed Shot.

“现在我们可以进行警告性射击”。Now we can fire a warning shot.

如舞场的一朵花般,射击shot like a flower in the dance

枪在射击后向后坐。A gun recoils after being fired.

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田径,射击,铁饼,链球。Athletics, shot, discus, hammer.

他“瞄准”那只鸟射击,可是没打中。He aimed at the bird but missed.

杰克向射击者还击。Jack fires back at the assailant.

兵士们扳起火枪的枪栓准备射击。The soldiers cocked their rifles.

士兵从堡垒里向外射击。The soldiers fired from the fort.

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一名警察向那个绑匪射击。A policeman shot at the kidnapper.

把枪装上子弹,这样就可以随意射击了。Load your rifles and fire at will.

泰瑞捡起了枪,向伊菜射击。Teri grabs the gun and shoots Eli.