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那给游击队的三个盖帽呢?And those three blocks against Partizan ?

游击队据河而守。The guerrilla forces leaned on the river.

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游击队放火烧了敌人的仓库。The guerrillas burned down the enemy's depot.

他率领一支游击队抗击日本侵略者。He led a guerilla band against Japanese invaders.

对阵游击队的比赛对你意味着什么?What do those games against Partizan mean for you?

这些卡宾枪再被提供给南边的越共游击队。These carbines were in turn given to the Viet Cong.

后街是园艺游击队的好地方。Back lanes are a great place for guerrilla gardening.

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你认为为什么游击队的球迷这样对你?Do you know what problems Partizan fans have with you?

哈西姆•萨奇在这一时期担任该游击队的政治领导人。Mr Thaci was the guerrillas' political leader at the time.

巴人阴阳洞――游击队在巴人阴阳洞开会、议事之处。Luna& solar Cavity of Ba people where guerilla held meeting.

入侵军占领了游击队若干分散的前哨基地。The invading army overran a few scattered guerrilla outposts.

游击队必须活动于人民之中,犹如鱼游于水中一样。Guerrillas must move among the people as fish swim in the sea.

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作为回应,美国组织了反政府游击队。In response, the United States organised the Contra guerrillas.

这笔钱被库尔德人组建的游击队分子偷走了。This money was stolen by a guerrilla group of Kurd separatists.

死了很多游击队人,但是我们看不到他们的尸体。There were a lot of dead guerrillas, but we weren’t seeing them.

而游击队这边,白丛雪派出一人准备给他们加点料。This way, the guerrillas Bai Cong snow sent a man to add to them.

敌人扫荡了双鸭山的游击队根据地。Japanese raided the guerilla's base in the Shuangyashan Mountains.

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而捷克的游击队已经在那里与德军作战数天了。Czech partisans had been fighting the Germans there for a few days.

他们让他把一份密电码送给游击队。He was asked to hand on the key to a secret code to the guerrillas.

另一个故事则是一队美军遭遇越南游击队埋伏,结果61个美国军人在枪战中丧生。Meanwhile, in Vietnam, a U.S. platoon walk into a Viet Cong ambush.