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一个能让人过上幸福生活的令人惊奇的诀窍。One Wow to the good life.

我最喜欢的Definr火狐诀窍?My favorite Definer Firefox trick?

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他教算术有诀窍。He has a knack of teaching arithmetic.

竟然有神妙的诀窍使火点燃?Should kindle fire by wonderful device!

这也正是索思豪尔获得该工作的诀窍。That's what Southall did to get his job.

自信是完成的首要诀窍。Self-trust is the Number1 secret of success.

诀窍就是得有一把快刀,和一只果断的手。The secret is a sharp knife and a firm hand.

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你有没有可以分享的小贴士或者诀窍呢?Do you have any tips or tricks you can share?

为何了解这个过程是诀窍之一呢?Why is it one of the knacks to know the process?

男生,你想知道追女生的诀窍吗?Boys, do you want to know tips to go after girls?

如果你看过锯木头你就会明白其中的诀窍。If you ever sawed wood you already know the trick.

那么成功的道路有没有什么诀窍呢?So are there any tips on the road towards success?

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想成为一名出色的水手是有两三个诀窍的。There are two or three tricks to being a good sailor.

让我们创建一个实用程序,以练习您新发现的诀窍。Let's create a utility to exercise your newfound mojo.

这里面的诀窍在于培训服务员和撤台员怎样去做销售。The trick is training servers and bussers how to sell.

这里关于网球肘怎麽办有一些诀窍。Here are some tips about what to do about tennis elbow.

诀窍在于找到你午夜的吻,然后继续前进。The trick is to find your midnight kisses, then move on.

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格林布拉特先生深谙与女主角合作的诀窍。Mr. Greenblatt had a knack for working with female leads.

接下来我们要教大家让香水久留不散的诀窍。Here we teach you special tricks that make colognes stick.

你知道我大脑封闭术练得多差,一直找不到诀窍。You know I'm lousy at Occlumency, I never got the hang of it.