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他们需要的是求实精神。What they need is a down-to-earth spirit.

这些都是求实精神的表。These are the truth-seeking spirit of the table.

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它要求实修我们继承的道德。It requires the cultivation of virtue if we are to succeed.

学习中,我脚踏实地,求实创新。In the study, I stand on solid ground, truth-seeking and innovation.

它体现了科学的求实精神和理性精神。It suggested the scientific realistic approach and rational approach.

我们的经营理念是求实创新,以诚待人,以质取胜。Sticking to factualism and creative , pursuing honest and good quality.

爱心诚信是做人根本,求实谦虚为治学前提。Love the integrity is fundamental, realistic research premise is humility.

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以求实、先进的全面质量管理,组织生产和销售。To truth-seeking, advanced total quality management, production and sales.

不过为求实际,这本书中对文火慢炖不做要求。But for the practical purposes of this book, weshall seldom consider it necessary.

重点检查求实、务实、扎实的工作作风是否真正坚持下来。Focused inspection realistic, pragmatic, solid style of work is really persevered.

培养严谨、求实、细致、认真、负责的工程素养和科学精神。Processes of precise, factualistic, serious-minded and responsible personality and scientism.

不过无论社交网站要求实名制的原因是什么,仍然会有许多人会为了争取到使用假名的权利而继续斗争But whatever the reasons, there will be many who still press for the right to use a pseudonym.

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教师团队形成了“求实、求新、求精、求博”的优良教风。Team of teachers formed a "truth-seeking, novelty, refinement, seeking Bo" good teaching style.

细节颜色和求实史蒂夫?汉克斯的画是前所未闻的在这艰难的媒介。The detail color and realism of Steve Hanks' paintings are unheard of in this difficult medium.

信息产业部制定的不同时期的电信发展目标规划,具有求实性、可操作性。The telecom development planning constituted by MII in different period possesses reality and operability.

中国人民一向钦佩美国人民的求实精神和创造精神。The Chinese people have always admired the American people for their pragmatic attitude and creative spirit.

新文学运动的美学精神,使新诗成为求实的艺术。On the other hand, the aesthetic spirit of New Culture Movement made modern Chinese poetry a factualistic art.

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大同有理想主义的超越性色彩,小康体现着现实主义的求实精神。Great harmony has the color of transcendental idealism while well-off connotes the spirit of being factualistic.

以求实、先进的全面质量管理,生产出更优质的产品以满足广大客户的需求。With advanced quality management, we will produce better quality products to meet the needs of all the customers.

他的爱国主义精神和严谨细致的求实精神,是留给我们宝贵的精神财富。He has given us lots of spiritual wealth, such as the spirit of patriotism, the precise and meticulous factualism.