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学习和背诵中国古诗。Learn and memorize ancient Chinese poems.

这首古诗很费解。This classical poem is hard to understand.

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你们把给你们古诗的青年一脚踢开。Ye spurned the boy who gave you ancient lays.

然而,其他人对中国古诗不感兴趣。However, others show no interest in Chinese poems.

唐朝是中国古诗的极盛时期。The Tang Dynasty was the golden age of classical Chinese poetry.

希望它能帮助你找到古诗学习的乐趣。Hope that it will help you find the ancient poetry of learning fun.

你能用简明的语言概括这首古诗的中心思想吗?Can you sum up the central idea of this ancient poem in plain terms?

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我跟你不一样,我从小就喜欢诗歌,特别是古诗。I've liked poetry since I was little, and especially ancient poetry.

诵读古诗文是学生学习语文的一条重要途径。It is one of the effective means for students to read ancient poems.

我喜欢啊。读古诗是我从小的爱好。I like it. Reading ancient poetry is a hobby of mine since childhood.

鉴赏的过程是鉴赏者和古诗思想碰撞的过程。Process of appreciate is appreciate and thou poem thought collision of process.

正文第一章主要介绍雷克斯罗思与中国文化和中国古诗的关系。Chapter One introduces the relation between Rexroth and Chinese culture and poetry.

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中国有一句古诗,叫“东边日出西边雨”,这本是形容天气阴晴不定,但如果用它来形容当前的世界经济似乎非常贴切。As an ancient Chinese saying goes, "It is sunny in the east while rainy in the west."

阿苏能够指出我的很多诗歌和他所知道的法国古诗之间的相似之处。Ashu could discern resemblances between many of my poems and old French poems he knew.

古诗中的帕里斯便因喜爱海伦而放弃了赫拉和雅典娜的礼物。In ancient poetry Parris then because of liked Helen to give up Hera and Athenas gift.

一个帖子号召人们把“我爸是李刚”组合进古诗中。An online contest challenged people to work "Myfather is Li Gang" into classical poetry.

在关于儿童题材的古诗中也是卓然独异,如一颗璀璨的明珠。Of the ancient poems about children, it is most outstanding as if it were a resplendent jewel.

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新一轮的课程改革,对古诗文教学提出了更高的要求。Under the new round of curriculum reform, the teaching of Ancient Poetry requires more skills.

本应用收录84个中国古诗、古训、俗语等的法语翻译。This is the French translations of 84 Chinese classical poems, common sayings, slangs and idioms.

中国的一句古诗“月是故乡明”就表达了这种对家乡和亲人的思念之情。A line from a verse “The moon at the home village is exceptionally brighter” expresses those feelings.