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他工作的同时兼顾学业。He juggled work with full time schooling.

我相信自己能够在防守和进攻两方面同时兼顾。I'm a two-way player, I defend and attack.

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而这场红色德比却要求他两者兼顾。This volcanic derby required him to do both.

许多模式下,像是50星条旗,则是两者兼顾的。Many patterns, like the 50-star flag, have both.

利迪说,"我希望能兼顾出售速度和价格.""I want to balance speed with value," Liddy said.

这个二合一蹲坐两用大便器能兼顾两种需要。This 2-in-1 sit-squat toilet caters to both needs.

兼顾了个人兴趣,事情就好办多了。Takes a personal interest that things are done right.

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因此,想要学好这门课程,你就必须两者兼顾So, to pursue this course properly you have to do both.

这对雇主和法院来说是需要兼顾的两个方面。It’s a balancing act, both for employers and the courts.

委员会在两方提案中采取了两面兼顾的决定。The committee found a middleground between the two proposals.

他们可以二者兼顾。They can do both,” says Simeon Djankov, an author of the report.

如何提供一个兼顾各方的“全面最佳”的解决方案?How do we create a “Global optimum” that is right for all parties?

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我知道有许多妇女能事业家庭兼顾——凯尔就是其中之一。I know many women who have a career and a family—Kehr for example.

产品设计兼顾本土需要,是他们的致胜之道。Product design take into account local needs, their road to success.

来到北埔,笠竹园是想要健康美味兼顾的您不可错过的美味餐厅。When you come to Beipu, visit us to enjoy a yummy and healthy big meal!

我聚精会神地操纵着操作杆和方向舵,兼顾着机翼和机尾。I felt my nerves grow out into the stick and rudder, the wings and tail.

他还要兼顾学生会的工作并要参加戏剧社团的一系列活动。Then there's his job at the student union and the drama club activities.

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着衣时应该兼顾美学和人体卫生学的要求。When dressed, people should consider the needs of art and human hygiene.

“趵突”不仅字面古雅,而且音义兼顾。"Sudden leap" is not only the literal quaint, but both sound and meaning.

她开始在做课程计划时兼顾多种智力因素。She began to take multiple intelligences into account in her lesson plans.