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我要全额退费。I want a full refund.

我想要全额奖学金。I'd like to get the full scholarship.

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他们会全额付给你,并给你承诺很多。They’ll pay up for it and promise much.

它须为汇票全额之背书。It must be an indorsement of the entire bill.

如果车辆晚点,你可以全额退票。If the bus is late, you can claim a full fund.

令人担心的是迪拜不会全额偿还贷款。The fear is the loans will not be repaid in full.

采用者将要支付年费与全额权利金。Adopters will pay an annual fee and ful royalties.

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在我看来,全额补偿贸易比较好。In my opinion. total compensation trade is better.

非定居居民和全额纳税人会很难区别开。Non -doms and full taxpayers can be hard to tell apart.

得过,在我大二时得过全额奖学金。Yes, I won the full scholarship when I was a sophomore.

运动选手常常拿到全额奖学金。Athletes often earn full scholarships to play at the school.

这个价格包括全额免碰撞保险服务,并且不限里程。That price includes full collision waiver and unlimited mileage.

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交通事故中肇事方全额赔付了受害者。The person who caused the traffic accident paid the victim in full.

2005年,公司全额收购了洪湖磷肥厂。In 2005, the company acquired full Honghu phosphate fertilizer plant.

此刻我们的库存已满,所以我们不能给贵司下全额订单。At this moment our stocks are full and we cannot present a full order.

开学兩周内,可申请一学期全额退款。Full-Semester Refund available within first 2 weeks of Spring Semester.

酒店在收到全额房款后,该预订正式生效。When you pay in full , the reservation is a accommodations at the hotel.

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请按上面的免费邮寄地址将欠条寄出,你将会收到全额退款。Please send IOU to the Freepost address shown for a full refund by return.

那所大学提供全额奖学金,这让莎莉很容易得决定了去哪所大学上学。The offer of a full scholarship made Sally's choice of university a no-brainer.

没有政府经费,学生必须负担全额的课程费用。Without the subsidies, students will have to pay the full cost of such courses.