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回去做侍应生?Going back to waitressing?

这家餐馆一开始雇我作侍应生。The restaurant started me in as a waiter.

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她靠兼职做女侍应生来支付学费。She moonlights as a waitress to pay her tuition.

我可以做侍应生或者通过短工中介找到工作。I’ll be a bartender or get work through a temp agency.

侍应生的生活,单独考虑也没有那么糟糕。Life as a waiter, not so bad thinking about it in isolation.

除非你想令侍应生不快,否则点餐时别配以可乐。Order a coke with a meal only if determined to upset the waiter.

如果“做侍应生”是在一项长远的策略中的一步棋,那可没什么不光彩的。There’s no disgrace in waiting tables if it’s part of a long-term strategy.

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从国王变成侍应生,是特别屈辱的事。There is something especially insulting about having gone from king to waiter.

面对这个满脸假笑的侍应生,我掉了胃口,什么东西也吃不下去了。Facing the simpering waiter, I lost my appetite and didn't want to eat anything.

古尔德在佛罗里达州长大,他喜欢在餐馆里做侍应生和酒吧招待。Growing up in Florida, Mr. Gould enjoyed working in restaurants as a waiter and bartender.

这里有很好和很香的咖啡,有美妙的音乐,有微笑的侍应生。There are have very good and very fragrant coffee, have wonderful music and smiling waiters.

它可以告诉你如何享用这种酒、它的产地是哪,等等。总之,斟酒侍应生能告诉你的它都能告诉你。It could tell you how to enjoy the wine, where it came from, everything you'd hear from a sommelier.

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7月11日世界杯闭幕之后,服务行业对于侍应生、门童和其他职位的需求将大大减少。After the World Cup ends July 11, there will be less need for waiters, bell-boys, and others in the service industry.

在日本,如果你在桌上留下几个硬币,侍应生会追着还给你留下的零钱。In Japan, if you leave a couple of coins on the table, the waiter may chase after you to return your forgotten change.

我此刻想到的一幅景象,便是一位被废黜的国王,沦落到要在纽约靠当侍应生谋生的结局。The image here that comes to mind for me is one of these deposed kings who ends up waiting on tables to make a living in New York.

还有什么更简单的方法能使护士、警察、理发师、或是侍应生不再带有明显的职业特征,除了让他们脱掉制服?What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to lose professional indentity than to step out of uniform?

大多数侍应生和厨师都不住在新元素附近高租金的区域,必须乘坐晚上9点左右停运的公交车和地铁回家。Most waiters and chefs, who don't live near Element's high-rent locations, must ride buses and subways that stop operating around 9 p.m.

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那些洛山基高档餐馆的男女经理和侍应生应该多学学‘快速通行证’的彻底革新。Managers, maitre d's, and hostesses at every high-end restaurant in Los Angeles should be schooled on the radical innovation of the Fast Pass.

德国人新近发明了一种智能啤酒杯垫,它可以及时“感觉”杯中的酒已被喝光,这样,那些喜欢喝个不停的啤酒爱好者就能避免将时间浪费在等待酒吧侍应生前来续杯上了。Fans of non-stop drinking may soon be able to cut down on time wasted ordering refills, thanks to a beer mat that can tell when a glass is empty.

我真爱沙美岛,到我们离开时,我们居住的小屋子附近餐厅的侍应生都认识我们了,因为我们不停地点玛格利特。I really loved Koh Samed, and by the time I left the people who served the restaurants at our bungalows knew us for our frequent margarita orders.