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从那时起,茶道在日本才算是完全建立起来了。Since then Teaism is fully established in Japan.

文佛山茶道馆是景区最有神韵的一景。Wenfu Teahouse is one of the most enthralling attractions.

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在1号楼,你可以体验到茶道的氛围。NO. 1 is a place for you to experience the atmosphere of Sado.

茶道宗师千利休想把花篮挂到庭柱上。Sen no Rikyu, a tea-master, wished to hang a flower basket on a column.

它是日本茶道和英国乡村花园折衷。It is an eclectic mix of Japanese tea drinking and English country garden.

朱晓贝坐在我的左侧,把凳子往我这边挪了挪,然后茶道表演开始了。Xiaobei sits to my left, pulling her chair close, and the ceremony begins.

历史同样悠久的当地茶道要持续数小时。Similarly venerable is the local tea ceremony, which can last several hours.

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最后,童话故事、弹星爱人、还有茶道,还要我多透露点吗?Finally, fairy tales, star-struck lovers, and tea ceremonies. Need I say more?

茶道即人道,茶品与人品总是紧密地联系在一起。The sado is the humanity and tea is always closely related to the moral behavior.

茶道是茶艺与精神的结合,并通过茶艺表现精神。Tea is the combination of tea and spirit, and through the tea art performance spirit.

为此,他邀请所有的茶道爱好者到京都的北野松林聚会。For this, he invited all lovers of the tea ceremony to the pine grove of Kitano in Kyoto.

吃完饭后,我还给了大家做了一个功夫茶茶道的介绍,帮助消化美味的晚餐。At the end of the meal, we also gave a Chinese Kung Fu Cha demonstration to help with digestion!

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除茶叶经营外,还经营茶具、茶工艺品、茶道和茶文化传播等。In addition to tea operation, but also operate Tea, tea, handicrafts, tea and tea culture spread.

日本第一夫人福田贵代子身穿蓝色和服,表演了传统的茶道仪式。Japan's first lady, Kiyoko Fukuda, dressed in a blue kimono, performed a traditional tea ceremony.

今天出席茶道的客人都要经历利休烂熟于胸的仪式。Guests attending a tea ceremony today go through a ritual that would be entirely familiar to Rikyu.

茶道主张纯净和谐,仁慈互爱,兼具秩序与浪漫。It inculcates purity and harmony, the mystery of mutual charity, the romanticism of the social order.

茶道的创造性和革命性也许已经不存在了,但其中的精神还在。Creative and revolutionary aspect of "Cha-No-Yu" may have long gone but their old animism still live on.

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禅,在日本孕育了茶道,“茶禅一味”是由村田珠光首先悟出的。Zen in Japan gave birth to the tea ceremony, "Zen tea blindly" is first of all realize by Murata Pearl's.

我们不能说这就是文明的实例——这和学习艺妓茶道仪式不同。We can’t say this instance is culture — it’s nothing like the equivalent of learning a geisha tea ceremony.

这种于生活最琐碎细微处发现的人生,才是茶道的本质所在。A life like this, found out in the pettiness and remoteness of living, is right the essence of tea ceremony.