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一个关节脱臼了。A joint has started.

她的肩膀脱臼了。Her shoulder was dislocated.

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她跌了一跤,脚踝脱臼了。Her ankle disjointed when she fell.

她摔得膝关节脱臼了。She fell and put her knee out of joint.

平托的这种能力通常被称做“眼球脱臼”。Pinto's ability is called "globe luxation.

她怎么使她的肩膀四次脱臼?。How did she dislocate her shoulder 4 times?

他们的手都脱臼并且扭曲了“。Their hands were deviated over and twisted.

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猛张口为什么会掉牙脱臼呢?。Why can fierce dehisce drop tooth dislocate?

医生能使骨折或脱臼复原。A doctor can reduce a fracture or dislocation.

你左肩膀的关节脱臼了。The joint of your left shoulder is dislocated.

你们知道为什麽他的手臂很容易脱臼吗?。Do you know why his shoulder dislocates so easily?

他踢足球时膝盖骨脱臼了。He displaced a bone in his knee while playing football.

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乔伊在床上蹦蹦跳跳时把手摔到脱臼。Joey falls while jumping on the bed and dislocates his arm.

没有士兵受重伤,除了一个肩膀脱臼。Nosoldiers were seriously hurt, beyond a separated shoulder.

她脱臼的肩关节经小心推拿而复位。Her dislocated shoulder was carefully manipulated back into place.

在阿森纳的第一个赛季,每一场比赛我都会脱臼。That first season at Arsenal I dislocated my shoulder in every game.

我回队刚过三周半,韦德的肩膀就脱臼了。I was only back for three and a half weeks when DWade dislocated his shoulder.

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至目前为止,并无病例在脱臼,也无神经肌肉损伤之并发症。For the time being there was neither recurrence nor neuromuscular complication.

博拉鲁斯自二月十七日肩膀脱臼后第一次首发。Boulahrouz starts for the first time since dislocating his shoulder on 17 February.

这种螺纹状的关节与球状关节相比,更难发生脱臼的情况。It's much harder, they say, to dislocate a screw than a round-ball-and-socket joint.