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伟大的艺术作品往往曲高和寡。There are great works of art that are appreciated by a limited audience.

这出歌剧虽比过去的歌剧通俗些,但依然是阳春白雪,曲高和寡。Though more popular than it used to be, the opera is still caviar to the.

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看空澳元在过去几年一直“曲高和寡”。Betting against the Aussie has been a loner's game for the past few years.

不得人心这事,如果干的好,叫曲高和寡。Lose public support this matter, if stem of good, call a song Gao with few.

曲高和寡,并非人人都欣赏这齣无言的美学剧。Unfortunately, not every visitor would enjoy this contemplative drama of aesthetic.

现在的这篇大论文,不用说,也可能是“曲高和寡”了。The present article big thesis, needless to say, is also likely to be "lonely voices".

曲高和寡,这大概是研究乔姆斯基理论的人数下降的一个原因。Maybe this is the reason why the numbers of people studying Chomsky's theory is on the decline.

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在这五到十年前,不论是投资型的项目,还是自住型的房产,都难免曲高和寡。In this five to ten years ago, both investment-type projects, or home-based properties are not too highbrow.

待行近,纵使没有曲高和寡,依旧一份清水,落英满地,人生好风景。To be close, even if not highbrow, still a clear water, Protection of Wages on the floor, good view of life.

我们注意到一个趋势,即中国消费者往往只欢迎来自欧洲大陆的少数曲高和寡的老牌品种。The trend that we've noticed is that Chinese tend to only embrace a small group of exclusive Old World vintages.

我们要把爵士乐的伟大与光荣带给大家,我们不相信它是曲高和寡。We want to bring jazz to the people inn all its grandeur and glory. And we don't believe the music is above people.

你以为自己是曲高和寡,其实是与环境格格不入吧。You thought that you are too cultured to be appreciated by the masses, is actually is incompatible with the environment.

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这也证明了,时尚不再是曲高和寡的精英产业,而知名人士也正在竭尽所能的创造廉价的高雅,比如高级时装。It has proved that fashion does not have to be elitist and that big names are as capable of creating cheap chic as haute couture.

尤其是原来曲高和寡的精装修房屋如今屈尊分出高下,形成适合不同档次需求的阶梯式供应。Especially the original too highbrow refined decoration Housing Now And aside though, a demand for different grades of the ladder of supply.

他心中的好电影,不能曲高和寡,应该符合大多数人的欣赏习惯和口味。In his heart's good movie, cannot be too cultured to be appreciated by the masses, should conform to most people's appreciation custom and the taste.

亦是那明月十二楼曲高和寡的孤独和寂寞吧!箫声涉水而来的时候流年暗掩,满腔柔情如蝶絮语,在指尖起舞飞扬。The twelve floor is also the highbrow and loneliness! Sound Wade comes during the dark mask, full of tenderness, such as butterfly, on the fingertips to dance.

程序性辩护在我国法庭上日益多见,但由于举证责任不明,程序性辩护处于一种“曲高和寡”的状态。Procedural defense appears in our country's court increasingly and frequently. However, it is still caviar to the general because of the unclear burden of proof.

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因为,艺术家的兴奋点往往与大众的兴趣相悖,所以,艺术家的热爱意味着东晶?国际可能曲高和寡,叫好可能并不叫座。For artists motivation often incompatible with the public interest, so artists may love that too highbrow East Atrium, international, may not be popular applause.

太超前往往曲高和寡,得不到市场的认可,但纯粹地克隆别人、亦步亦趋地跟风也不会有好的市场效果。Advance too often too highbrow, not market recognition, but simply to clone others, picked up the pace to follow the trend of the market will not have a good effect.

他们的心弦在当世得不到共鸣,但依然坚持在喧嚣的尘世中演绎着曲高和寡的阳春白雪!Their heartstring cans not get total in the contemporary, but insists still that deducing a song in the material life of the hullabaloo is high with few plain and white snow!