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大车轱辘轱辘地驶过。The cart rumbled past.

一辆骡车轱辘轱辘地走过高低不平的车道。A mule-drawn cart rumbled down the rough street.

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“轱辘辘……”箱子里滚出一只小胖猪来。"hoo loo_loo. "a little fat piglet came out of the box.

生命的轱辘兜了个圈又回到了原地,这是大师生前经常提起的一句话。Life's wheel had come full circle, the master would have said.

从那儿以后,他再也不敢相信少于四个轱辘的交通工具。As a result, he never again trusted any vehicle with less than four wheels.

然后他们又给了她一辆自行车,她连车身带轱辘一股脑儿放进嘴里,嘎吱嘎吱地嚼成一个小球!Then they gave her a bike and she gnashed it up into a little ball, tires and all!

那人死勾勾地盯着他,身子一动也不动,只有那幽灵般的眼睛轱辘辘地转个不停。The man stared at him, perfectly immobile except for the glint in his ghostly eyes.

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当我坐在掉了一个轱辘的黑色转椅上,双脚会情不自禁地往机箱上搭。Sitting on a black crippled chair, I can't help putting my feet on the computer case.

拖车就像有轱辘的房子,里面有人们在家里使用的电和热水之类方便设施。They have many conveniences which people have in their homes, such as electricity and hot water.

注意,大树喜欢车车,但是他的很多车车缺一个,多个,或全部轱辘!Notice how Dashu's favourite toys are cars, but a lot of them are missing some or ALL of the wheels!

我记得一个同伴把枪扔了然后轱辘到车底下去了,一个开始语无伦次地大喊大叫,另一个则还坐在那点着烟,呆若木鸡。One guy just started yelling incoherently. Another was sitting there smoking a cigarette and he didn't move at all.

这世界从来不缺稀奇古怪的专利,比如带轱辘的花盆,或者不带面包皮的花生酱、果冻三明治。There is no shortage of bizarre patents, such as the wheeled flower pot and the crustless peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

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拖车就像有轱辘的房子,里面有人们在家里使用的电和热水之类方便设施。Trailers are like houses on wheels. They have many conveniences which people have in their homes, such as electricity and hot water.

所以,可能的话,你最好还是卸掉个轱辘,一个人骑自行车串一串胡同迷宫。So, if possible, you're best off just "grabbing a couple wheels" and wending your way through the labyrinth of hutungs yourself on a bicycle.

“你在撒谎。”那人死勾勾地盯着他,身子一动也不动,只有那幽灵般的眼睛轱辘辘地转个不停。“你和你的弟兄们占有了不属于你们的东西。”"You are lying. " The man stared at him, perfectly immobile except for the glint in his ghostly eyes. "You and your brethren possess something that is not yours. "

就在那个汽车就要挨着自行车的轱辘的那一瞬间,有一股力量一下子就把自行车拽后去半米多远,然后那个汽车又挨着它的轱辘刹住了。At the moment when the Jeep almost ran over the bicycle's wheels, a force pulled the bike back for over half a meter, then the jeep stopped right at the bike's wheel.

学堂设立陶画、轱辘、模型三科,还聘请了日本技师安田乙吉、大凡理吉等为教员。The school sets up Tao Hua, the wheel, the model three branches, but also invited Japanese technician An Tianyi lucky, to manage lucky and so on is the teacher generally.

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我穿过一条又一条街道,手提箱的一个小轱辘掉了,当我终于找到旅馆时,我的心已经砰砰乱跳,我像篮球运动员那样大汗淋漓,情绪十分低落。I walked up one street and across another. A wheel broke off my suitcase. When I finally found the hotel, my heart was pounding, I was sweating like a basketball player and my spirits drooped.