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事实上,LBS已经取得了大好形势。In fact, it already is.

形势逼人。The situation spurs us on.

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形势一派大好。The situation is excellent.

但他们误读了形势。They misread the situation.

形势喜人。The situation is gratifying.

招工形势非常严峻。The situation is most severe.

仅仅拥有大致相同的形势。But roughly has the same form.

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你对目前形势有什么看法?How do you view the situation?

这是一个非常严峻的形势。It is a very severe situation.

加沙的形势严峻。The situation in Gaza is grim.

他对世界形势感到怏怏不乐。He is glum about world affairs.

这个形势很好。That's good as it going to get.

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那什么是策略形势呢So what's a strategic situation?

介于这两种情况之间的就是策略形势Everything in between is strategic.

国内形势确实是好的。The domestic situation is very good.

这会是一种讽刺的形势变化。It would be an ironic turn of events.

现在的形势不太好,但本来可能会更加糟糕。It’s not good, but it could be worse.

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国内形势更糟糕。The domestic situation is even worse.

他很糟糕地错估了当前形势。He judged the current situation badly.

那就是现在的形势。That's kind of where we are right now.