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那么关键还是靠精雕细刻。The key still lies in fine craftsmanship.

这篇论文是精雕细刻的工作。This essay is a most conscientious piece of work.

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牛津,那时还是一座精雕细刻的城市。Oxford, in those days, was still a city of aquatint.

这些木雕真可以说是精雕细刻。These wooden carvings are very delicate and refined.

四川的精雕细刻,是著名的摩擦模式。Sichuan's is delicately carved and is famous for its rubbing patterns.

部分原因是由于大学总是赓续的精雕细刻出更多的哲学博士。This is partly because universities continue to churn out ever more PhDs.

这些建筑大多为两层,配有精雕细刻图案的石门。These buildings are for two layers, with well-crafted pattern of the monolith.

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即使是休闲的款式,也流露出精雕细刻的风范…Even if is the leisure design, also reveals the style which works with great care.

橱窗展示礼物的示例,从化石到精雕细刻的首饰盒都有。vitrines show examples of gifts that range from fossils to finely engraved caskets.

该坊造型美观大方、文饰图案精雕细刻,体现出坊主一片善心的主题格调。Beautiful appearance and fine carving represented the mythos of the master's kindness.

请升上太空,回头看看这精雕细刻、极地冠顶,白色眩目的星球。Go up into space and look back at this diamond cut planet, polar capped, white whirled.

每件产品都是工艺师们精雕细刻而成,凝聚了他们大量的心血。Each product is cinese craftsmen work and become, condense the their painstaking efforts.

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将葫芦精雕细刻、做成灯笼的习俗可追溯到几千年前的非洲。Carving gourds into elaborately decorated lanterns dates back thousands of years to Africa.

在这座神庙里面,墙壁上精雕细刻,展现的是拉莫西斯在战斗中抗击敌人的情景。Inside the temple, detailed carvings on the walls show Ramses defeating his enemies in battle.

忘了这件事吧——除非你对贝壳项链和精雕细刻的木碗感兴趣。Forget about it – unless you are interested in shell necklaces and beautifully carved wood bowls.

我们始终坚持的一个工作原则是“精雕细刻”。We from beginning to end importunate works the principle is " of " work at sth with special care.

经过工人们精雕细刻,从而保证每一个产品都达到“精致美观,经久耐用”的效果。After precise manufacturing, the factory is capable of providing "exquisite, beautiful and durable" products.

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酒店以恢宏典雅的罗马式建筑为主体,吸取巴黎梵尔赛宫的内涵,融汇于精雕细刻的设施中。It is most special in its romanesque architecture with its refined internal facilities assimilating versailles palace connotation.

据说她知道一个从精雕细刻的石头中蒸馏出酒精的方法,她以喝此酒为乐。It is said of her that she knew a recipe that distilled a clear liqueur from well cut rocks, and that she drank it for her pleasure.

该详的精雕细刻,避免学生过重的心理负担。②课堂气氛要松紧有度。This detailed working with great care, avoids the student overweight psychological burden. ② The classroom atmosphere to a degree tightness.