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东京股市将于今日重新开盘。The Tokyo market re-opens today.

股市开盘时行情看涨。The market opened in a bullish mood.

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日本股市因为法定节假日,今天没有开盘。Japan's market was closed for a holiday.

伦敦股市方面,矿业和石油个股开盘走低。Mining and oil stocks moved lower, especially in London.

亚洲大多数股票市场因假期闭市,星期一才开盘。Most Asian stock markets are closed through Monday for holiday.

在东京市场早市开盘时,美元对日元的比价急剧下跌。In early trading in Tokyo, the dollar fell sharply against the yen.

周四欧股开盘后,矿业板块、食品饮料板块涨幅居前。The mining, food and beverage sectors were in the lead on Thursday.

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其所言的“降”一是指数,二是新开盘低价入市。Said its "decline" First, the index, two new low-priced market price.

世界股市在欧洲开盘交易时达到了四年最低点。World stocks reached a four-year low at the start of trading in Europe.

豆油、豆粕也几乎开盘即被封在跌停板上。Soybean oil , soybean meal is almost opening was closed in the daily limit.

斯托克欧洲600指数周二开盘后,上涨的个股不足30支。Fewer than 30 members of the Stoxx Europe 600 index posted gains on Tuesday.

巨蛇急速地舒开盘着的身子,在地板上向前滑行。The great snake was uncoiling itself rapidly, slithering out onto the floor.

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这只股票一直在涨,自从开盘一直没有停息。The stock has been rising ever since, with hardly a breather for an entry point.

尤其在市场跳空开盘,穿过入市信号时,情况更是如此。This was especially true when the markets gapped open through the entry signals.

我可能应该从这里进行赋值,也就是开盘价格。I probably should have had it being the, starting here, right, the opening price.

股市在紧接着的周一开盘时就告别了10000点。When the markets opened the following Monday, the Dow bid adieu to 10000 for good.

周一欧洲股市开盘走高,银行板块和矿业板块纷纷上扬。On Monday, European shares once again rallied behind the banking and mining sectors.

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但尽管该消息理应利空风险,欧洲股市开盘以来还是一直走高。Although this news should be bad for risk, stocks are higher since the European open.

大豆,榖物和油开盘全部走低,而且看出轻微的压力并提早进入中盘。Soybeans, meal and oil all opened lower and saw mild pressure into early mid session.

使用开盘区间突破交易时,早盘发生的入场信号是最理想。The early entry price action is ideal when using an opening range breakout for entry.