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是时候啦,夏季的光热多奇伟。Lord, it is time. This was a very big summer.

安定山瀑布奇伟壮不雅,上细中粗。Kiwi Peak spectacular waterfall, the fine in the rough.

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壳牌奇伟士系列润滑油具有15、32、68和100等不同的粘度等级。Shell Clavus Oils are available in the grades of 15, 32, 68, 100.

诗作奇伟宏丽、气势磅礴,具有独特的美学价值。His poems are wonderful and magnificent. They are of unique aesthetic value.

你永远无法再一次于此时感受地球所有的奇伟。You will never experience the earth with all its wonders in this time again.

莲花峰奇伟秀丽,雄峙在黄山之颠。Lotus Peak is peculiar and beautiful, sitting high at the top of Mount Huangshan.

哦,我要赞美人生,我要讴歌宇宙的奇伟瑰丽!Oh, how I shall praise life and how I shall marvel at the wonders of the universe!

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奇伟电讯有限公司成立于一九九七年三月,是唯一台湾手提电话代理商。KIWI Telecom Co. , Ltd. was established in March 1997, is the only Taiwan's mobile phone agents.

景色奇伟的北半部一侧有一个象拇指形状的突出部分,形成小小的绿色半岛。Jutting out from the isolated yet magnificent northern coast stood the thumb of the gawntlet, a small verdant peninsula.

尽管几经毁损和重建,故宫仍然保持着瑰丽奇伟的殿堂楼阁。Despite being destroyed and rebuilt on several occasions, the Forbidden City remains a magnificent and awe-inspiring building.