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“我并不自私,”布里森登冷静地笑了。I'm not selfish.

自私的基因。The selfish gene.

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她多么自私呀!How selfish of her!

感叹句。多自私的狗呀!What a selfish dog!

利己心是最坏的顾问。自私非上策。Self is a bad counselor.

那是一件自私的事。That' s a selfish thing.

我讨厌自私的人。I dislike selfish people.

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那他是否因此就是自私呢?Is he selfish for all that?

又到了自私的时候了。Tis the season to be selfish.

呜呼。讨厌这个自私的我!Alas. Dislikes this selfish me !

没门儿。他是一个非常自私的人。No way. He's such a selfish guy.

苏指责我太自私。Sue accused me for being selfish.

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然而,很难说痘苗病毒的行为是自私的。But the behavior is hardly selfish.

凯辛是个非常小气自私的家伙。Cassim was a mean and selfish fellow.

白羽以为他这样想过于自私。BaiYu thought he think so too selfish.

把蛋糕全吃完,你真是太自私了。It is selfish of you to eat all cakes.

自私的贝类嗅了嗅不新鲜的鱼味。A selfish shellfish smelt a stale fish.

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因为我是一个比较自私的人,但是我以此为荣!Because I'm a bastard, and proud of it!

什么也无法打动这自私老农夫的心。Nothing would move the selfish old man.

它是一种自私的、幼稚的、愚蠢的习惯。It is a selfish, childish, stupid habit.