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一个电话接线员助手?。An assistant phone basher?

接线员给詹森打电话。Operator makes a call to Janson.

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接线员,我给你的号码是多少?What the number I gave you,operator?

“结束了,”她告诉911接线员。"It's over, " she told the 911 operator.

加,我是国际台接线员。需要我帮忙吗,先生?Hello. Overseas operator. May I help you, sir?

在哪里,罗胡斯.米施的工作是电话接线员。Rochus Misch was the telephone operator there.

刚才接线员告诉我是亨曼先生负责此事。The operator told me Mr. Hinman was in charge.

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我应该拨啥子号头找到接线员?。What number should I dial to get the operator?

接线员,我要打对方付费的电话。Operator,I'd like to make a collet call,please.

不要将你的计划委托给一个“接线员”。Do not entrust your project to an "order taker".

接线员,华盛顿查号台怎么打?Operator, how do I get information in Washington ?

我们中的两个通常做电话接线员的工作。Two of us would always work as telephone operators.

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你好,接线员,我要打电话到纽约的里弗代尔。Hello, operator, I'd like to call Riverdale, New York.

你好接线员,能帮我转接到102号房吗?Hello, operator?Could you put me through the room 102?

接线员,请给我接中国银行北京分行。Operator, please get me Bank of China, Beijing branch.

陪审团宣判此案中第一位接线员故意玩忽职守。A jury convicted the first operator of willful neglect.

在十九岁那年,劳拉找了一份电话接线员的工作。At nineteen, Laura joined the Wrens as a telex operator.

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接线员将把您的电话转接到销售部。The operator will connect you with our sales department.

你所在的区域有没有给911接线员设立培训标准呢?Does your area have training standards for 911 operators?

接线员,我给你的号码是几多?Whpertaining to the number I gaudio-videoe you, operator?