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工作组在2007年尾就开始开会。The work groups began meeting in late 2007.

到了1706年尾,他离开了正职牧师职务。In late 1706 he withdrew from active priesthood.

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因此,指定工作可以在年尾完成。Thus, the given work might be finished by the end of theyear.

那么,在这场击鼓传花式的“年尾行情”中,谁会接下最后一棒呢?So, in this beat- the fancy "end market", who took over last stick it?

坊间关于2010年的说法有很多,据说所有的事情都会在这年的年尾实现。There is much talk about 2010 and all that may happen by the end of the year.

在每个太阳年年尾,会用5个机动日来补全。Five rogue days were tacked on the end of the cycle to complete the solar year.

我打算在年尾放自己一个长假,暂别这三年周而复始的忙碌生活。This year end, I intend to go on a long holiday and bid temporary farewell to my routine yet hectic life.

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到了年尾,当他发现他没有再遭遇任何攻击来骚扰他,他就非常好奇的准备再一次旅程。At the year's end, when he found they had not made any attempt to disturb him, he had the curiosity to make another journey.

年尾的时候很多人会捐款给慈善组织,一部分原因是因为节日,还有一部分会考虑到年底的个人所得税收。This is the time of year when a lot of people give to charity, in part because of the holidays and in part because of year-end tax considerations.

二○○一年尾,美国第七大公司安龙能源贸易公司宣布破产,事件震惊全世界。For many Americans, it is difficult to believe how swiftly Enron Corporation, the powerful energy trading company, tumbled to bankruptcy late last year.

部份胜利二型于退役后曾被改作训练巴士,培育车长,但这批胜利二型也全数于九八年尾至九九年初退役。Some of the Victory was converted into training bus for driver training but all of these training buses were withdrawn between late 1998 and early 1999.

因此我不认为所有的资金管理人希望危害那些“一点”盈利﹐因此他们是可能在年尾之前获利出场。And I do not think any fund managers wish to jeopardize those "little" gains so they're likely to lock-in those small gains by taking profits before yearend.

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每年农历年年尾,中国人要给晚辈发红包——红纸包里装的钱不多,表达最孩子们的祝福。At the end of each lunar year, it is customary in China to give children hong bao -- small sums of money in envelopes that are red, the colour of prosperity.

许多年轻人为赶猪年好彩头,赶趟儿似的“挤”在春节长假里操办婚宴,兴许年尾还可以生个“小金猪”。Many young Chinese lovers rush to wedding during the golden week of Spring Festival with the hope to have their baby born before the end of the lunar year of pig.

第一学年年尾时,他们搬入共同租住的屋子,但这是威廉出席一场时装表演后的事,那晚的凯特展现出让人刮目相看的一面。Late in their first year, the friends moved into a house-share together, but not before William attended a student fashion show, where Kate was revealed in a new light.

出席上述会议的人士表示,由于菲律宾在2009年尾段大肆采购之后,市场上已不见其身影,泰国的动作可能会在未来几个月打击米价.Coupled with the absence of the Philippines from the market after a buying spree late in 2009, this could hit rice prices in coming months, speakers at the conference said.

美元的走势大部分是因为年尾投资策略调整,而有关调整亦特别影响到近月升幅最大的货币。The move in large part can be attributed to position adjustment into year end and is being particularly felt by those currencies that have gained the most in recent months.

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他赢得了竞选,而且到2011年尾的时候,7500多条小道上的396辆巴士将会被淘汰——到下年的市长选举的时候,他的竞选对手将会是利文斯通。He won, and by the end of 2011, all 396 bendy members of the 7,500 fleet will be purged—in time for next year's mayoral election, at which his opponent will be Mr Livingstone.

洪江大街小巷到处有祭供着土地庙。祭祀活动从年头到年尾。数百年来,沅江流域江河溪流边立有土地庙。人们祈求河神保佑风调雨顺,平安吉祥。There are temples that worship the god of earth everywhere in the ancient city, so sacrificial activities usually last for the whole year, praying for good weather and good luck.

一些国家的信贷危机,加剧季节性出售黄金的压力,一般而言,投资者于圣诞及年尾前会平掉手上多盘。Heightened jitters about sovereign credit problems helped accelerate and intensify seasonal selling pressures when investors typically close positions before Christmas and the year-end.