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今儿个凤儿尽吹,爱人。The wind doth blow today, my love.

“他们今儿个输了,”孩子告诉他。They lost today" the boy told him."

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咱们那个老百姓,今儿个要高兴。Our common people, must be happy today.

姨奶奶今儿个这是什么了?Grandmother Yi immediately son was this what?

我喜欢天冷,但今儿个太冷了,还是出点太阳吧!Love the cold, but today is too!wanted a little sun!

今儿个你们小灰鸽可办了一件大好事!Jiner a small gray pigeon can you do a major good deed!

今儿个,我把一大盘子炸酱面都扣厨房地上了,我靠!Today, I spilt a pack of pasta all over my kitchen floor. FML.

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对了,今儿个怎么到这时候还没用膳?To, how does the son arrive a by this time still useless food now?

今儿个我在课堂上举手来的,就是忘了今儿我没刮胡子就来上学来了。我靠!Today, I put my hand up in class. I forgot that I hadn't shaved. FML.

今儿个他们都以为我在电梯里放屁来着。我靠!Today, everyone thought that I was the one who farted in the lift. FML.

今儿个说的便是这老北京数一数二的名小吃——羊头马。Today, let's talk about the famous snack in Beijin, called Sheep Head Ma.

今儿个说的便是这老北京数一数二的名小吃——羊头马。Today, let's discuss the snack with reputedly in ancient Beijing called Sheepshead Ma.

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今儿个说的便是这老北京数一数二的名小吃——羊头马。We are gonna talk about one of the most famous snacks in Beijing---the Ma's sheepshead.

今儿个我打健身房运动完了奔公司去的时候才发现我没多带一件衬衫,结果我就穿了一件汗透的衬衫上班去了。Today, I went running to the gym on the way to work and I forgot to bring a spare shirt.

同样的事情发生在做客老厕所0-3失利的那场比赛,我今儿个带来了香槟酒要证明这一点。The same happened when his team lost 3-0 at Old Trafford and I've got the champagne here to prove it.

今儿个我给我女朋友发了个短信,告诉她我今晚特别想跟她做点爱做的事儿,结果发她哥那去了。Today, I sent a text message to my girlfriend telling her how much I wanted to make love to her tonight.

今儿个就下载个免费试用版爽爽吧,看看为啥它这么流行!Download a free trial version of Spell Catcher today, and see for yourself why it's been so popular for so long.

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爸爸,您辛苦了,今儿个是父亲节,你好好歇歇吧,女儿在远方为您祝福。Dad, you were laborious, today is father's day, you have a good rest, her daughter in the distance bless for you.

今儿个,我打床上爬起来开电视,头一眼瞄见一通缉犯,跟我长一个模样,我现在不敢出门了。Today, I wake up, switch on TV and the first thing I see is the picture of a wanted rapist who looks just like me.

今儿个下午法拉利一堆人都拉长着脸,因为意大利被踢出了南非世界杯。There were long faces at Ferrari this afternoon after Italy were knocked out of the World Cup Finals in South Africa.