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我想邀请您做我们的客座教授。I want to invite you to be our visiting professor.

因为他是范德教授课上的,客座教授。Because he was a guest speaker in Professor Vander's class.

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顿明月律师为燕山大学客座教授。Ms. Mingyue Dun is a visiting professor of Yanshan University.

他曾是佐治亚大学的地质学客座教授。He was visiting professor of geology at the University of Georgia.

这是一个畅销,在美国如老舍是一个客座教授。It was a bestseller in the US where Lao She was a visiting professor.

曾任北京大学光华管理学院和北京大学汇丰商学院客座教授。Lin was faculty at Fudan University before she came to the United States.

他现任牛津布鲁克斯大学的城市规划客座教授。He is currently visiting professor of planning at Oxford Brookes University.

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西南农业大学聘请Morrissey博士为该校食品科学学院客座教授。SWAU has named Dr. Morrissey as Visiting Professor of the Food Science College.

直到去世为止,他在许多美国大学里都是客座教授。Until his death, he was a visiting professor at numerous American universities.

史女士教授在医学院当了两年的客座教授。Pro. Smith was attached to the medical college as a guest professor for two years.

同时,他也是中国香港大学的客座教授。He is also a Distinguished Professor -at-Large at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

客座教授可能是一个学校的教员,但却为另一个学校工作一段时间。A visiting professor has a job at one school but works at another for a period of time.

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昨天,约翰逊非常荣幸的被邀请为这所大学的客座教授。Yesterday, Johnson very honored to be invited as the visiting professor of the university.

大卫•麦兹是伦敦大学学院交通运输研究中心的客座教授。David Metz is a visiting professor at the University College London's Center for Transport Studies.

我在圣经学院读书时,曾有一位客座教授来向我们教授如何进行快速阅读。I was a Bible college studentwhen one of our chapels featured a guest speaker who taught us how tospeed-read.

在2006年,她受聘担任吉林长春艺术学院动画学院的客座教授,成为吉林动画教育与产业中心的顾问。In 2006, she was appointed to the visiting professor at the Animation School of Changchun Jilin Arts College.

露西•斯格尔为“观察家”的道德生活专栏作家,伦敦时尚学院客座教授。Lucy Siegle is the Observer's Ethical Living columnist and visiting professor at the London College of Fashion.

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他还担任了在纽约的哥伦比亚大学商学院的客座教授。He has served as a visiting professor of finance at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business in New York.

“大家都觉得它像个气球,”施耐德博士说,他现在是德州农工大学的客座教授。“People would think of it as a balloon,” said Dr. Schneider, who now is a visiting professor at Texas A&M University.

同时,学校还聘请了一批著名专家学者担任特聘教授、客座教授或兼职教授。In addition to all these above, the CUC has employed a number of well-known experts and scholars as visiting professors.