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东门之池、可以沤菅。The moat at the east gate.

张任自退入东门去了。Zhang Ren backed into the east gate.

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有几条路在东门城交会?。How many roads meet around the Great East Gate?

我的旅程是在东门购物中心开始的。I started my trip at the East Gate Shopping Mall.

你为什么去东门的小摊上吃东西?Why do you go to the stalls outside the east gate?

我在东门要乘211,有同学一起吗?可联系我。I will take 211 in Dongmen, who can do with me there?

你认为东门的小贩是否有存在的必要性?。Do you think it is necessary that these vendors exist?

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能告诉我东门商业街在哪吗?Can you show me where the Dongmen Commercial Street is?

溪上有座公路桥,同学们习惯地叫它东门桥。Over the stream lies a bridge called "East Gate Bridge".

这里你可以看到所有的工作人员和东门上的模具装置。Here you see the crew and the blocking for the east door.

紧挨着东门,有一个小小的方城,叫做瓮城。Next to East Gate, a small town square, called the Barbican.

你好!能告诉我东门商业街在哪儿吗?Hello! Can you show me where the Dongmen Commercial Street is?

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他带我从华强北逛到东门,走走看看,买了不少东西。He strolled with me from Hua Qing Bei to Dong Men and bought a lot of things.

开放团组活动如安排在大会堂,请记者进大会堂东门。Please enter the eastern entrance for open delegationmeetingsheld in the GHP.

大学时期,我去东门买东西,每次都总爱去同一间商场。College, I went to the East Gate to buy things, always love to go to the same mall.

该托换工区位于深圳市最繁华的东门商业区。The underpinning area lies in the most flourish shopping center in the east of Shenzhen.

深圳市,罗湖区,东门,中兴路239号,外贸集团大厦。Foreign Trade Group Building, No. 239. Zhong Xin Rd. , Luohu District, Dongmen, Shenzhen.

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天坛一共有4个门,依次为南门、西门、北门和东门。There are four gates named South Gate , West Gate, North Gate and East Gate respectively.

从林肯卧室东门出去是一个小的起居室,那里直到白宫西翼建成前曾被当作办公室。Off an east doorway is a small sitting room used as an office until the West Wing was built.

地理位置非常方便,就在东门地铁口,出来就是,晚上周边很多逛的吃喝拉撒都有。Location is great, just near to the Metro station where major shopping centres are all around.