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她真是一个水性杨花的女人!She's really a whore!

你是个水性杨花的女人。You are a lady of easy virtue.

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她应该是一个水性杨花的女人。She should be a skittish woman.

她没有道德标准!她真是个水性杨花的女人!She has no morals! She´s really a whore!

女人的心和冬天的风说变就变。水性杨花。A woman's mind and winter wind change oft.

他一直都介意这个女人的水性杨花。He has been uneasy with this woman's skittish.

是的,他们离婚了,因为他的妻子水性杨花。Yes, they got divorced, for his wife was unstable as water.

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她说这个节目把她刻画成了一个“水性杨花的女人”。She says the programme portrayed her as a "lady of easy virtue ".

历史,我们知道,它水性杨花又冷酷无情。The history, as we know, it is both of easy virtue and ruthlessness.

忘了他的水性杨花吧,裘德。洛天生就有点象个小无赖。Forget his nanny-shagging ways, Jude Law has always been a bit ofa hot scoundrel.

灯红酒绿成就男人雄心,水性杨花显尽女人风情。Scene of debauchery achievement man of ambition, wanton make significant woman style.

这位水性杨花的女人是知道的,是清楚地知道他爱着另外一个她的。The skittish woman who is aware of, is clearly knew that he loved another one to her.

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韩志杰嘲笑上官蕊水性杨花,上官蕊不悦,一脚踢翻旁边的水盆。Jeff han mock ShangGuanRui oft, ShangGuanRui displeasure, next to a foot kick birdbath.

“女人是水性杨花的,”老汉大叫道,“你懂得我的话吗?"A lady of easy virtue, " the old man shouted. "Do you understand what I am talking about?

生理也好心理也罢,毕竟自己把水性杨花的事情做出来了。Physiology all right mental state let it be, oneself after all attaches to any one of the affair did out.

原来她真的如外界所说的水性杨花的女人,他意识到这个有她的梦做得太久了。Originally said she was really skittish, as people outside of the woman, he realized that dream of doing with her for too long.

这个故事是水性杨花的巴斯妇讲的。她已经克死了五个丈夫,正迫不及待地寻找第六个。The story is told by the Wife of Bath, a good-time girl who wears out five husbands in bed and is hungrily searching for a sixth.

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母蟋蟀水性杨花,它们一般要和一只公蟋蟀交配40次,但常常还是欲求不满,要去搞点儿婚外情。Female crickets are promiscuous, mating up to 40 times with a single partner but also hopping out for the occasional dangerous liaison.

女人,在他看来,要么是水性杨花的风骚下流之辈,要么是软弱无助,成为像他这样一贯处处占便宜的人轻松到手的猎物。Women, in his opinion, are nasty teases who "ask for it" or who are powerless and seem like easy pickings for a man who is used to taking advantage of people in every part of his life.