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为什么中提琴这么大呢?Why are violas so large?

二重奏小提琴,中提琴09。Duos For Violin and Viola09.

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为什么说中提琴手像恐怖分子?Why is a violist like a terrorist?

中提琴是一种弦乐器。The viola is a stringed instrument.

有个中提琴手死了咋办?What do you do with a dead violist?

小提琴,中提琴,女声。Jane Brownlee Violin, viola, vocals.

中提琴比它稍大些The violas are a littl e bit bigger.

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为什么中提琴手演奏时都保持微笑呢?Why do violists smile when they play?

中提琴手为什么脑子和豌豆一样大?Why do violists have pea-sized brains?

为什么中提琴手不玩躲猫猫?Why don't violists play hide and seek?

怎样防止中提琴手溺水?How do you keep a violist from drowning?

为什么德语里中提琴叫“不拉车”?Why is viola called BRATSCHE in Germany?

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为什么说闪电像中提琴手的手指呢?How is lightning like a violist's fingers?

告诉我,你是四重奏中的中提琴手吧?Tell me, do you play the viola in a quartet ?

三重奏为小提琴,中提琴与大提琴在C小调,作品。Trio for violin, viola & cello in C minor, Op.

为什么中提琴手不该去登山呢?Why shouldn't violists take up mountaineering?

中提琴手的脑细胞怎么死的?How do you call a violist with two brain cells?

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为什么中提琴独奏和早泄一样?Why is a viola solo like premature ejaculation?

怎样让中提琴声部演奏跳弓呢?How do you get a viola section to play spiccato?

你听说过不跑调的中提琴手么?Did you hear about the violist who played in tune?