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这是海洋的礼赞。And this is ocean's poem.

这正是我送你这爱的礼赞的原因。And that's why I send you this loving salutation.

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通过桑提亚哥硬汉性格来礼赞人类的永恒价值,才成为小说的真正主题。The actual theme of the novel is the eternal spirit of Santiago.

“太阳啊,我如何礼赞你呢?”小花怯怯的问。"How may I sing to you and worship, O, sun?" asked the little flower.

时常想着我,成为我的奉献者,崇拜我,礼赞我。Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your homage unto Me.

在沉黑的仰顶上,独一的声音是我礼赞的反响。The only sound that echoed in its dark dome was that of incantations which I chanted.

那绮丽的霞光是对夕阳的礼赞,是大自然赏赐给人类的恩典。That beautiful sunset on sunset celebration, is a gift from mother nature to human grace.

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第二章着重探讨沈从文对健康人性的礼赞。The second chapter discusses Shen Congwen emphatically to the healthy human nature praise.

它是对我们的宗教遗产的礼赞,也重新把我们与教会连接。It is a celebration of our religious heritage, and it reconnects us to our church community.

礼赞精诚协作精神,祝福共创基业的辉煌!The praise absolute sincerity team spirit the blessing creates base's industry magnificence!

这是一个礼赞祖国,讴歌时代,振奋民心,展示国威的红色十月。This is a praise of the motherland, Acura times, encouraging people to show Paul Red October.

捕食者与猎物穿梭、爬行于珊瑚之间,舞出自然界永不停息的生命礼赞。Predators and prey swim and crawl6 among the coral in nature's never-ending dance of life and death.

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让这种甜蜜的、极富趣味的糯米年糕成为点缀新春佳节的礼赞。This sweet, fun-to-eat sticky rice cake is as delightful as the festive spirit of the New Year holiday!

天上的雪花无声无息的飘洒着,似一曲沉静的生命挽歌更似一段热情的生命礼赞。Heaven silent Piaosa a snowflake, it is a quiet life Elegy more like the life of a section of warm praise.

应弟子智宣以下之提请,我所造六臂大黑天礼赞及其心咒之翰墨附呈。As requested by disciple Zhi Xuan below, calligraphy of my praise to Six-arm Mahakala and his mantra are attached.

在普天同庆祖国60华诞的喜庆日子里,我们礼赞伟大的母亲,感怀美好的生活。In these happy days of celebrating our country's 60th birthday, we admir our greatest mather and enjoy our beautiful life.

古老时期即发现死海是举世闻名的珍宝,是体验和享用自然之礼赞。A world famous treasure-trove of health and beauty since ancient times, the Dead Sea is nature's gift to experience and enjoy.

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大自然的光和声早就存在了,我只能制造一个工具,让人们得以接收大自然的礼赞。The light and sounds of the land are already there. I just make the instruments that allow people to perceive these natural qualities.

最后师生合唱「友谊万岁」和握手惜别,「毕业礼赞」在一片温馨感人的气氛下圆满结束。Students and teachers shook hands to bid each other farewell and the Service concluded with the emotional singing of "Auld Lang Syne ".

作品的字里行间,深深贯注了作家对家乡的热爱和对大自然的礼赞,特别是他对人性美所做出的淋漓尽致的艺术建构。It reflects the writers deep love for his hometown, his praise of the nature and his artistic construction of the beauty of human nature.