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田间长了许多野苋菜。There are many wild goosefoots in the field.

苋菜红指示剂具有安全性和实用价值。Amaranth red pigment has security and practical value.

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目的测定铁苋菜中没食子酸的含量。Objective To determine the content of gallic acid in Acalypha australis L.

结果铁苋菜属植物具有多类化学成分和多种药理作用。RESULTS Several kinds of active compounds and some good activities were found in Acalypha.

播种苋菜的种子较小,播种掺些细沙或细土可以使播种均匀。Smaller seeds sowing amaranth, sowing mixed some sand or fine soil can make uniform seeding.

采用盆栽试验方法,筛选了防治铁苋菜的茎叶处理除草剂。Pot experiments were conducted to screen postemergence herbicides for controlling A. australis.

红桑又名铁苋菜,原产南洋群岛。Three-colored amaranth of iron of red Sangyou name, produce southern Asia archipelago formerly.

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方法以近年来国内外发表的文献为依据,综述铁苋菜属化学成分和药理方面的进展。METHODS Refer to literatures about research of the progress in the research of component and biological activities.

以番茄、菜豆和苋菜种子为发芽材料,研究了乙酸对蔬菜种子发芽的影响。Influence of acetic acid on seed germination was studied using tomato, kidney bean and edible amaranth as materials.

最好是含有多种谷物的那种,比如含有一定量的小米和苋菜的面包。Products with a greater number of grains will likely include some of these alternatives, such as millet and amaranth.

她说她种了葫芦,包括南瓜,还有绿豆,红苋菜,甜菜,胡萝卜,花椰菜等等。She says she grows gourds, including pumpkin, as well as green beans, red amaranth, beets, carrots, cauliflower and more.

研究铜处理苋菜幼苗生长受阻与光合作用的关系。The relationship between growth inhibition in Cu-treated Amaranthus tricolor L. seedlings and photosynthesis was studied.

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目的从天然产物中提取黑米、苋菜红、葡萄红这三种花青素类色素,并比较它们的光稳定性。Objective To study and compare photic stabilities among extracted black rice, amaranth and grape pigment from natural products.

香米血糯软饭,三色鳝筒,炒苋菜,肉末豆腐,冬瓜黑木耳扁尖汤,西瓜。Glutinous rice, eels fish, fried amaranth, bean curd with minced meat, bamboo soup with white gourd and black fungus, watermelon.

绿叶蔬菜中含铁多的有苜蓿、菠菜、油菜、苋菜、荠菜、黄花菜、番茄等。Iron is contained to more lucerne spinach cole three-colored amaranth shepherd's purse day lily tomato waits in greenery vegetable.

过去我们只能在食品商店中才可以买到苋菜,斯佩尔特小麦和奎奴亚藜之类的谷物,而现在这些在当地杂货店便能轻松买到。Once found only in health food stores, "old-world" grains like amaranth, spelt, and quinoa are now available at your local grocery.

其中羽衣甘蓝的含量最高,其次为白薯叶、苋菜、菠菜等。The results showed that the highest content of the lutein is in collard, and then the leave of the sweet potato, amaranth and spinach.

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通过盆栽试验,研究了不同水分条件下氮肥形态配比对苋菜品质的影响。Pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of nitrogenous fertilizer forms on quality of amaranth under different water treatments.

苋菜色素为水溶性色素,以水作为提取剂提取的苋菜色素,在可见光区有三种有色物质。The water -soluble red pigments from amaranth were extracted with water. There are three colored substances in the range of visible light.

像大麻、苋菜、稷、奎奴亚藜、斯佩耳特小麦这样的植物很多商场里都有,提供了很多对心脏有好处的谷物。Products like hemp, amaranth, millet, quinoa, and spelt are found in most markets and provide a lot of variety for these heart-healthy grains.